The Test

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Izuku POV:

Damnnit, snap out of it Izuku! You worked so hard to be here, don't lose this!

After I walked up the stairs toward the door of the incredibly large building I used a bit of magic to deactivate the Mana Barrier protecting the secret base. As I did that, the building transformed from a normal looking office building to a ginormous tower.

Unphased by the transformation that just took place in front of me, I walked inside the tower straight to the front desk completely ignoring all of the strange things going on right before my eyes. There was a guy who had his entire body covered in the three primary colors, a guy who is literally the sun as his head, and a guy who looks exactly like Cthulhu. Overall, nothing new to me.

When I got to the desk, I was greeted by a fairy.

"Hello, welcome to the Bureau of Exorcists! How may I help you?" The Fairy asked.

"Hey, I would like to get a license," I said, mustering up the most non-nerdy voice I could muster.

"Okay, first and last name?" The Fairy said, grabbing some papers that looked comically large next to her small figure.

"Izuku, no last name," I said.

"Okay, Magical profession?" The Fairy said, writing some notes down.

"Mage Craftsman," I said.

"Mmhm, Age?" The Fairy said, taking another few notes.

"14," I said.

The conversation went on for a few more minutes like this, The Fairy asked me a question and I answered. After around 2 minutes of conversing, The Fairy directed me to a door where all my tests would happen. First test was a simple IQ test. I calculated my score via my own knowledge and I think I got a 100 percent score. Second was a Magical knowledge test, just some things about spells and demons. I calculated my score and I think I got a 97 percent score.

Now it's time for the most important part of the test, the magic apprehension test. Being a Mage Craftsman, the test for me is a presentation test. I have to make a magic weapon and use it in a test. The magic weapon I'm using is my Gauntlet of Power, so I got this in the bag.

I was nervous. VERY nervous, even though I knew that I would easily win the test using my Gauntlet. The waiting room was quiet even though it was packed with people, it made me really claustrophobic to be honest. It also made me feel something, something bad. Like a sense of nostalgia, not the good kind. I thought back to that day.

"Take a swan dive off the roof!"

I jumped a little at those words that flooded my mind. So that's what the peak of anxiety was about. Damnnit, snap out of it Izuku! You worked so hard to be here, don't lose this! I slapped myself back to reality. Right on cue, I heard a voice.

"Izuku, Uh, no last name! Come to room n4!"

I quickly inhaled, held it, and exhaled. I got up and proceeded to the training room. The room was, unlike the pure white colored waiting room, a large mythical forest!

 The room was, unlike the pure white colored waiting room, a large mythical forest!

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