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 Izumi Pov:

I was distracted, I had been for the past few weeks. Why? Well, I'm sure you know why. It had been 2 months since that night and Izuku had been acting even more differently, or was he always like that? Izuku always had this look in his eyes. Something was growing, building up. Now he was acting differently. Less timid, more cocky.

And amongst all this, I could only think, 'what have I done?'

I mean, he basically ignores us all the time. Breakfast, he grabs what needs to eat and leaves. School, he's always never where we want him to be, after school? He's just gone, like he turns a corner and Poof! Gone. Back at home, he's not there as well.

"Come Izumi! Stop slacking off!" Dad shouted, slapping me across the head.

"OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" I shouted, twice as loud.

"Sorry, I couldn't get you back to reality!" Dad said, deactivating the treadmill he was on, "come on kiddo, what's bugging ya?"

I also deactivated the treadmill I was on and said, "It's Izu."

"Yeah, he's been acting REAL different lately," Dad said.

"Yeah, he has," I said, sitting down on a bench.

After that night, Dad had decided to give me OFA. Despite my objections. We had started training in a personal gym my dad had bought, even though we knew it would be better to go to The Dagobah Municipal Beach. It was like something was compelling us to go to Dad's gym.

Dad sat down next to me and said, "Have you tried talking to him?"

"Yeah, but he's been constantly avoiding me," I replied.

"Well, what have you tried?" Dad asked.

"Well I try talking to him at breakfast, he just leaves. School, he's never where we thought he was. After school? he's just, Poof! Gone!" I said, "Like, he turns a corner and is just gone! It's so weird."

"It is," Dad said, "And when you get back home?"

"Well, he's also never there!" Izumi said, "Mom says he just changes out of his uniform and leaves."

"Interesting," Dad said, "Oh, I know!"

"What is it?" I asked.

"I have a friend who can help us!" Dad answered, "Do you remember my old sidekick? Sir Nighteye?"

"Oh! Yeah! He was your sidekick back before your fight with Toxic Chainsaw, right?" I asked.

"Heh! You know, you can refuse it all you want, but you're just as much a nerd as your brother!" Dad laughed.

"Ack-Hey!" I shouted, lifting everything around us up with my telekinesis.

"Hey! Hey! Calm down!" Dad said.

"Grrr... Fine," I said, deactivating my quirk.

"But yes, Sir Nighteye was my sidekick, until the fight that gave me that scar happened," Dad said, lifting up his shirt to reveal the nasty scar under it, "After that fight, me and Nighteye went our separate ways."

"Why?" I asked.

"I'll tell you later, all right?" Dad answered.

"Okay!" I said.

Dad then went to go to call Nighteye and we didn't have to wait long until he arrived.

"Toshinori!" Sir Nighteye called out from downstairs.

"Ah! Old friend!" Dad said, walking toward the balcony to get a look at Sir Nighteye.

"I *Huff* got here *huff* as fast as I could," Sir Nighteye said

Getting a closer look at the number 7 pro hero Sir Nighteye, the hero looked very exasperated and worn out. Had just ran here? He could have, I don't know, just grabbed a car? Oh well.

"Old friend! Come upstairs!" Dad said.

"Just give me a minute," Sir nighteye said, sitting down, "I was on patrol then got a call from you saying I needed to find someone, so I just ran here as fast as I could."

"That's alright! We'll come to you!" Dad said, walking down the staircase.


I hopped up from my seat and followed Dad.

"Thanks for coming on such short notice," Dad said, when we reached Nighteye.

"It's my pleasure," Sir Nighteye said, standing up, "Well who is it?"

"It's my son, Izuku," Dad said.

"Ah, yes," Nighteye said, "It has been a while since I saw that young man. Well, I'll need an image."

He really isn't going to question why?

"Ah yes! Here you go," Dad said, giving Sir Nighteye an image of Izuku.

"Uh, Toshinori, why did you want me to look for Izuku?" Sir Nighteye asked.

"Because he's been ignoring us lately," Dad answered.

"Huh, okay," Sir Nighteye said.

Sir Nighteye POV:

The image of Izuku, it wasn't an older him. It was a four year old Izuku, I didn't want to say anything yet.

"Okay, I'll search for him," I said.

I then activated my quirk, searching throughout Izuku's life. Then I saw that. The photo of Izuku fell out of my hands as I deactivated my quirk.

"Toshinori, what have you done to this boy?" I said.

"What?" Toshinori asked.

"You, YOU BASTARD!" I shouted, "And to think I looked up to you."

"Huh!? What do you mean!?" Toshinori said, taken aback.

"What you had done to that boy is unacceptable," I said, "I apologize, but I will not help you."

"Ah-Why!?" Izumi said.

"You have made that young man suffer, I can not, I will not help you if you just want to spy on him," I said, "You're lucky I'm not reporting this."

I then began walking away, Only to hear Toshinor- All Might say, "Wait no! You can't do thi-!"

"Shut it All Might," I interrupted him.

Izumi POV:

After Sir Nighteye left the mood was dampened between me and Dad, after that we just quietly did our workouts and left. I also had a lot more on my mind than when the day began. I know Sir Nighteye would be angry at me, so why did he lash out at Dad as well? Did he do something? And why was the photo of Izu the one of a 4 year old him? Didn't we have a photo of him but older?

Izuku POV:

Alright I'm pissed off, for no reason. That can only mean one thing, somebody's thinking about me. And they're also being stupid. Ah who cares, Let em' be stupid. I just need to get back to work.

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