Down to buisness

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Izuku POV:

"I AM HERE!" My Alarm Clock shouted, "I AM HERE! I AM-!"


I quickly used a refined Mana Blast to destroy my old clock. I've had it since I was 3 and was intending on getting rid of that piece of garbage. I get up from my Futon, rubbing my head while groaning.

"Ughhh, work," I groaned, my voice dry and horse.

It had been 3 weeks since I moved to my new Home, I had been given a chance to Unpack and 'Decompress' but it's mainly the Decompressing part. My apartment was simple, 4 rooms. A bedroom, living room, bathroom, and kitchen. So far my Bedroom has actually been a storage room, I just have a simple futon in the living room. Not the Best living conditions but I'll just think about that later.

I woke up like I always do, Drowsy, Hangry, Depressed, and In The Need For COFFEE! Luckily I know someone who can deliver.

*Knock, knock.*

"Yo, it's me, Izuku," Hisashi said, "I brought Coffee."

"Pleeeease come in," I said.

I'm not exactly a morning guy. I heard the lock jiggle a little before Hisashi came in, apparently we were neighbors. You know what they say, 'and they were roommates'! Wasn't surprising to us and it's nice to have someone bring you coffee when you're so hungry you want to stab someone over McDonald's or something. I'm not American. So Hisashi came in, handing me a Caramel Iced Coffee. I swiped it and downed it like an animal.

"Ugh, I think I might be a caffeine addict," I said, throat still a little horse.

Hisashi chuckled, saying, "Well you better get moving, work starts in an hour."

"Wh- WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME SOONER!?" I shout, sprinting out of bed and into the bathroom.

"I'M NOT YOUR DAD!" Hisashi shouted back.

"IN LIKE TEN CHAPTERS YOU WILL BE!" I shouted, brushing my teeth.


"YOU'RE NOT MY DAD!" I said, reaching out of the bathroom for clothes.

Hisashi angrily handed me a suit before stomping out. I carefully put my suit on, combing my hair to the best of my ability, and spiffing up in general.

 I carefully put my suit on, combing my hair to the best of my ability, and spiffing up in general

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"Lookin' good!" I said, finger gunning myself in the mirror.

I put my shoes on before leaving my house, greeted by Hisashi.

"Alright, let's go," Hisashi said, leaping out the balcony of the apartment building, "Follow me."

Looking unimpressed, I do a backflip off the balcony. I land on my feet and walk with Hisashi like nothing happened, earning a 'show-off' comment from Hisashi.

"Alright, we could take the train but that will just make us late," Hisashi continued, "I have an idea but it's not exactly legal."

"Oh, crime? Fuck yeah," I said, earning a pause from Hisashi.

"... Don't you want to become a hero?" Hisashi questioned.

"Not exactly opposed to the idea of becoming a vigilante, or maybe a villain if I'm like Stain," I answered, no hesitation.

"Do you even hear yourself kid?" Hisashi asked.

"Yes," I said, "And yes, I do question my mental state."

"...." Hisashi paused, "Y'know what? I'm not questioning it anymore."

"GOOD. Now, what do we have to do," I ask.

"Basically, there's this dude I know who can use spatial magic," Hisasi answered, "However, he's not an exorcist and is on the run for being the magic equivalent of a drug dealer."

"So it's basically a drug deal we're heading to?" I shot back.

"Yep," Hisashi replied.

"Neat," I comment.

After a minute or two of walking, we see an old building wall. It's obvious the wall is a fake cover up for whatever base this guy Hisashi knows owns. Hisashi quickly dispels the fake wall, allowing us to travel through. The room we're now in is really dark, can't see shit. There is a green mist covering the floor, which is the only detail I can make out.

"Ah! Hisashi old friend!" A voice rings out, "What brings you here?"

"Me and my newbie neighbor are late for work," Hisashi replies.

"Ah, obviously! Why else would you be here?" The Voice said.

Suddenly, a rift opened in front of us.

"For you, you're free to go, but for the newbie..." The voice trailed off, presumably going into thought, "Ah what the hell, he's free to go as well!"

"Thanks," Hisashi said, traveling through the rift.

I quickly follow behind, we both arrive in an alleyway.

"So why did that guy hide his face? Is he ugly?" I asked innocently.

"Pfft- No it's not because he's ugly!" Hisashi answered, trying to hold back laughter, "It's simply a 'trust' thing. If you were a dealer you wouldn't want anyone to see your face would you?"

"Oh yeah...." I replied.

"Okay, we're about 5 minutes away from the building so let's get moving," Hisashi said.

We quickly run into the HQ place, I don't know what the hell it's called. I'm just gonna call it 'The Office'. I know it has a name, but It requires two tongues to pronounce it. HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO GET TWO TONGUES!?


ANYWAY! We arrive at The Office, heading inside. Once inside, Hisashi shows me the schedule and how it works. Since I'm a supposed special case, I have a relatively different schedule.

I have an entire 2 at the beginning of the day dedicated to making Artificial Mana Cores and tools that involve said Cores. Holy heck I even have my own personal lab! Afterward, the next 4 hours of my day mostly revolve around normal activities. Basically just being an exorcist, taking up opportunities to kill demons and stuff.

The usual.


(A/N New chapter, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YEAH BABY! let's goooooooooooooooooooooooo! Ye :) So we now have some Insight on Hisashi, he knows a magic drug dealer who is ugly. So yeah... Now that Izuku has moved away from the Yagi's, we're going to see less of them as we go through Izuku's time away. I.... Don't have anything to say. Not a lot happens in my brain so I'm just gonna end this chapter here. WaWaCat4000 Out!

Word count: 1010.)

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