Fucking Hell

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Izuku Pov:

Fucking Hell.

Those are the two words I'd use to describe the situation that just played out.

Fucking Hell.

Just a few damn months ago my 'sister' was bugging me 24/7 about 'forgiveness this' and 'forgiveness that'. Stupid Idiot, you don't earn forgiveness via doing the exact same thing over. Not like I'm forgiving you at all, but still. I honestly don't know what happened to her, whether or not she got dropped on the head as a child I don't know. And I don't care.

Skill Issue+Ratio+U Fell Off

I think I got my point across. Fuck Izumi. So what's happening right now? Fucking Hell. Back at square one. Let's start from where we left off.

"Hey Deku, Where do you think you're going?" Izumi said, a kind yet malicious smile spread across her face.

'Oh bloody fucking hell' I thought.

I sighed, rubbing the space in between my eyes.

"I'm to fucking tired for this," I whispered under my breath, "Hey Izumi, how's Little Timmy!"

"What?" Izumi asked, confused at my greeting.

"You know what's perfect for getting cum stains out of Altar Boy Robes? HOLY WATER!" I said, earning a snort from Hisashi, "Did Ya miss me that much?"

"Like Coke after Lint!!" Hisashi shouted, causing myself to snort as well.

"PFFT--! Wait, are we talking Cola or Cocaine?" I asked, continuing this reference.

"Is this supposed to be a reference or something?" Izumi asked, oh you sweet innocent child.

Wait, I hate Izumi! Nevermind!

"Ahh! You wouldn't get it," I said, "So, How can I help you?"

"Izuku, I-" Izumi was about to finish before I interrupted.

"Suuup?" I asked.

Izumi looked at me with a deadpan look before continuing.

"Izuku, you know that you can't just up and leave us," Izumi said, getting up close and personal, "You'll always be that weak, quirkl--!"

"Oh you dirty bitch work the shaft," I said.

Everyone in the room coughed violently except for Hisashi and I.

Nope, Hisashi just said, "Oh shit we're still doing this? Not complaining."

"E-E-EXCUSE YOU!?" Izumi shouted, more flabbergasted than Luke Valentine.


"Oh, I'm sorry," I said, maintaining eye contact with Izumi, "I just like to talk dirty when someone's sucking my dick."

"W-W-WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!?" Izumi shouted, "I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you here!"

"Oh! So am I!" I said, "And I'm failing! And I'm sorry."

"It's just that I'm so agitated because this bitch little greenette shit strolled right up to me, interrupting me finally moving on with my life and trying to bully me like we're back in middle school."

I'm on a roll now!

"Well I hate to break it to you, Izumi," I said, "But times have changed, so have I."

It's at this point I should tell you what state the room is in. Hisashi is laughing his ass off at the reference match we're doing, Izumi is absolutely fuming, the entire gang of dickheads following suit, Toshinori looks like he's going through his depression ARK, Inko is comedically balling her eyes out, The Detective his rubbing his eyes saying something along the lines of, 'Smart ass', Night Eye is just looking at Izumi like he saying you deserve it, The Short Old dude looks like he's saying that he's too old for this, and Eraser Head looks like he's saying I'm too tired for this.

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