Regrets PT 2.

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Izumi POV:

I silently stared into the wooden floor of my house, dread growing as I felt eyes pierce through me. Is this what Izuku felt like everyday?


This all started when Izuku ran off, I was just relaxing when I heard the window crash. I ran into Izuku's room with mom to see the entire wall shattered, I assumed the worst.

Dad said that he couldn't find Izuku, that he had sped off in this Cyan Blur.

'Impossible, he is quirkless,' I thought, the security footage said otherwise.

Dad then told me about the villain All for One, how he could give and steal quirks, how he created One for All, and how what's happening to Izuku reeks of him.

Suddenly, it made sense. The ignoring of us, the new confidence, and vanishing suddenly at school. While I wanted to deny it, all the signs pointed at Izuku being a villain.

"I need to call Tsukauchi," Dad said, walking off.

The wait was deafening, who knew what Izuku was doing right now. Eventually, Toshinori's friends arrived. I actually recognized a few of them, others not so much.

First 1 was the principle of UA, Nezu.

Another guy was some sort of homeless guy, I think I recognized him from Izuku's room

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Another guy was some sort of homeless guy, I think I recognized him from Izuku's room. I think his name was Eraser Head?

Next was the guy that Toshinori said he'd call, Tsukauchi I think it was

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Next was the guy that Toshinori said he'd call, Tsukauchi I think it was.

Next was the guy that Toshinori said he'd call, Tsukauchi I think it was

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After that was some old guy, dad said that his name was Gran Torino.

Finally there was Nighteye, gaze still as cold as when we last saw him

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Finally there was Nighteye, gaze still as cold as when we last saw him.

"Oh hey, Tsukauchi! Didn't know you brought visitors!" Dad said.

"Yep, I wouldn't want to miss a chance to catch a villain Toshinori," Nighteye said, "It's such a shame that Izuku became a villain, I wonder why?"

(A/N oh dam.)

"Now, now," Tsukauchi said, "Let's not jump to conclusions."

"Sure," Nighteye said.

So we then went to investigate Izuku's room, it was certainly different then when I last saw it. Instead of being flooded with All Might merch, it had weapons all over it. Mounted katanas, an Ax, a Sword, and Spear. It looks like there was a space for some form of other weapon, but it was missing.

"Huh, it's in a surprisingly good condition," Nighteye said, "Y'know, after what you did."

Dad sighed, then said, "Nighteye if this is about before-"

"Why yes it is All Might!" Nighteye said, "We should have you put behind bars for what you did to this young man!"

"Woah! Calm down Nighteye!" Eraser Head said.

"Okay Nighteye, you say I did something to Izuku but I don't know what you're talking about!" Dad said.

"When was the last time you had dinner with Izuku!?" Nighteye said, "The last time you two had a father and son chat? When did you last have a family photo with Izuku!? I'll tell you when, 10 fucking years ago!"

"What?" Toshinori said, "No, it was yesterday, no was it the day before?"

"Nighteye, what are you talking about?" Mom asked.

"Please, just look through your family photos," Nighteye said.

Aizawa was already walking in with the photo books in his hands, after analyzing I saw it. After Izuku turned 4, he started to stop showing up in our photos. Each birthday he was in the background, in family vacations he was nowhere to be seen, and when he was seen he looked miserable.

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks, 'We're a terrible family.'

Nighteye then told everything that he saw when he looked at Izuku's past, the bullying, neglect, and abuse. The Todoroki and Bakugou family were immediately called and told everything.

God, I hate this. I silently stared into the wooden floor of my house, dread growing as I felt eyes pierce through me. Is this what Izuku felt like everyday?

"Seriously you brat!?" Mitsuki Bakugou said, slapping Katsumi across the head.

"Ack- Calm down Hag!" Katsumi said.

"Shoto, Shoko, I'm disappointed in you," Endeavour said.

"I agree with your father here, you two," Rei said.

(A/N I'm going to make Endeavour not an asshole in this AU.)

Masaru remained silent, before going over to Katsumi.

"What do you want old man-" Katsumi was about to say before being interrupted by a *THWACK!*


Now that scared me, Masaru rarely got angry.

"Now now, calm down," Eraserhead said.

Masaru was seething, Katsumi was nursing her wound, and Mitsuki was holding Masaru back.

After calming down, Rei spoke up, "So why are we here?"

"We have reason to believe that Izuku Midoriya may be a villain," Tsukauchi said.

"A villain!?" Shoka said.

"No way!" Katsumi said.

"Well, there is only one way to find out," Nezu said, drawing our attention, "We ask him."

"And what makes you think he'll come back?" Aizawa asked.

"Well I have a feeling that he'll want these," Nezu answered, grabbing Izuku's weapons from his room, "It would be a shame for him to lose these."

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