Author Interlude AKA Magic 101

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(A/N Aight this is going to be a filler chapter to explain the magic system. This is also going to be the magic system I use for E V E R Y story I make so listen up nerds.

Chapter 1: Basics of Mana.

Mana at its core is energy, energy all around you. Like oxygen. The usage of Mana will differ in 3 forms.

How you absorb Mana.

How you convert Mana.

How you distribute Mana

I will now explain all these steps.

Chapter 2. How 2 Obtain Mana.

There are many ways to absorb Mana, you can create a Mana Core for example, this will give you a Mana Pool which you have to meditate to absorb Mana over time. Mana cores start at an impure state as they slowly purify over time. They start at:







And end at White.

Think of it as the mana core system from The Beginning After the End. If any of you have read that. This is also the method that Izuku used to get Mana.

On the other hand you can undergo rituals to gain Mana, these usually always come at a price. Basically something along the lines of: sacrificing your pet (would not recommend,) Sacrificing a Human (Would ALSO not recommend,) Embracing Eternal Pain (Would not recommend unless you have incredible dexterity or are just a huge Masochist,) Losing an Eye (Would recommend since it looks epic 😀👍,) Etc.

You can Make a pact with a magic entity, this can be anything from a Demon to An Angel. You make a contract with this entity so they will give you Mana and you give them something in return; Human Sacrifices, Certain Plants, Etc. If you play DND, think of it like the Warlock Class.

These are the three most used methods to gain Mana.

Chapter 3. How 2 Convert Mana.

Mana has to be converted into different 'Magics' to be used properly, the main list is:

Elemental Magic.

Magic that revolves around the earthly elements, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Fire can be converted into lightning, Water into Ice, Earth into Gravity and Air into Sound. Basically Avatar: The Last AirBender mixed with The Beginning After the End, Izuku is an air user.

Light Magic.

Contrary to belief, light magic doesn't revolve around healing or good in any way. It grants the user control of, well, light. Light dimly Light spaces, flashbang enemies, and create Light constructs.

Dark Magic.

Similar to Light magic, Dark Magic grants the user control of the shadows. It grants Invisibility in the darkness, teleportation within Dark places, and the ability to create Shadow Constructs.

Black Magic.

Now THIS is the sinister shit, Dark Magic is a Magic made to improve the user's capabilities to Kill. Nothing more, nothing less. Black Magic can improve strength, dexterity, and stamina to great amounts. It can enhance weapons and improves the cunning of the user. Except it requires more than just Mana, using this magic will also slowly drain the user's sanity. Nearly anyone can gain Dark Magic.

Life Magic.

Now THIS is the virtuous shit, Life Magic is the opposite of Black Magic. It allows the user to heal allies and Calm your Mental State. While nearly anyone can use Dark Magic, Life Magic is rare among wizards.

Spatial Magic.

Grants the user control over space, allowing them to teleport, use clairvoyance, etc.

Time Magic.

Grants the user control over time, allowing them to freeze time (ZA WARDOU,) See into the future in visions, and even alter events from the past if they are powerful enough. The weakness of this is that altering events and stopping time are incredibly draining and can even injure the user, visions are also rare. Time Magic is the most rare kind of magic.

Brimstone Magic.

Two incredibly powerful variants of Fire and Earth Magic, Grants the user control over hell's most powerful energy: Brimstone Fire. A powerful flame that can burn through anything, this flame can also be solidified into Brimstone gems. Users of this magic can summon and control this flame and solidify it. The weakness of this is that the user may harm themselves using it. Incredibly rare.

Toxin Magic.

A rare variant of Air magic, allows the user to produce a toxic gas. The potency of the toxin depends on the user's mastery of the magic. It can range anywhere from giving targets a slight cough to full on radiation-induced Seizures.

Solar Magic.

A powerful combination of Light Magic and Fire Magic, allows the user to create flames even more powerful than Brimstone Flames. Will cause severe damage to the user.

Blood Magic.

A variation of water magic allows the user control over there and others blood streams. Users can enhance there physical capabilities and create Blood Weapons.

Chapter 4. How to distribute Mana.

This is how you use mana in combat, there are many methods. These paths are non-linear so you can be in more than one class.

Augmentors and Emitters.

If you've read The Beginning After The End then you will know this. Augmentors use Mana to improve their body to perform powerful melee spells and emitters can use magic to cast long ranged spells.


The Craftsmen can create special weapons to imbue magic in to make them more powerful. Examples being the many weapons Izuku has made (except the artificial Mana Cores.)

K that's going to be it for now, I will be updating this list a lot so check back here every so often. WaWaCat4000 Out!

Word count: 881)

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