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 Izuku Pov:

"Huh!? What was that?" I said, Looking toward the source of the noise, "Oh, a book just fell, what time is it?"

I pulled back my tear-stained sleeve to look at my watch, it was 9 PM. Great, I had been here for 3 hours just crying. I got up and went to pick up that book, it had a dark blue cover with some golden colored lines flowing through it. Throughout the entire cover there was no title, not on the front, back, nor the spine. Looking through the pages I saw that this entire book was blank? Probably a notebook of sorts. The book also had dust all over it, meaning it had been here for a while. That was strange, I've never even seen this book in the library before.

"Huh, strange," I whispered, then brought the book up front.

The Owner looked at the book for a minute and back at me, a little perplexed.

"Izuku, how did you find this book?" The Owner asked.

"Ah, well it fell from one of shelfs, so I went to pick it up," I said.

"Mmm, well it seems that this book doesn't belong to the library," The Owner said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Izuku, I know this place like I know the back of my hand. So I know what does and doesn't belong, and this definitely doesn't belong," The Owner said.

"So what do you think happened?" I asked.

"What do I think? Someone probably accidently left this book on the shelf," The Owner said.

"So should we leave it in the lost and found?" I asked.

"No, It's covered in dust, so it's been here for a while," The Owner said, "So that means that whoever left it here probably isn't coming back for it."

"Ah, yes you're right," I said.

"You can have it!" The Owner said.

"Really? Thank you!" I said, happy that I got a book for free.

"Anyway, it's around closing time and you should probably get going!" The Owner said.

"Ah, right," I said, walking to the exit.

"And have a good night!" The Owner said.

"You too!" I replied, opening the door and leaving.

Izumi POV:

I paced around the kitchen with nervousness, Izuku hadn't come home in 3 HOURS. I thought back to what Izuku said to me.

'Maybe I will.'

No, he wouldn't. He would come home, I would apologize, and everything would be alright. Right?

"Are you sure this is the right choice?" Dad asked me.

"Certain," I answered.

Dad had been waiting with me after we got back, why? Well...

3 hours ago...

"Uh, well dad, I think Izuku should have OFA," I said.

"Why?" Dad asked.

"Well, what you said about him was wrong," I answered.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he wasn't the one who bullied me."


I then went on to explain how and why I was bullying Him.

"Izumi, I don't know what to say," Dad said, shocked.

"You don't have to say anything," I said, averting my eyes from dad.

Dad sighed before saying, "While I am disappointed, I am also very proud."

"Huh!?" I gasped.

"While your intentions were misguided, they were good at heart," Dad continued, "You were just trying to protect your brother, and I respect that."

"Dad, thank you," I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

"And, if he wants it, I will give OFA to Izuku," Dad said.

"Okay!" I said, wiping the tears from my face.

Present time.

I continued pacing around, god this suspense was killing me. I stopped when I heard a soft click of the door.


Izuku POV:

I didn't know why but when I held that book, something felt different. Like I was, stronger. When I had arrived home, I heard Izumi call out to me.

"Izuku!?" Izumi called out.

'Great, I guess today wasn't enough for her," I thought.

"You're okay!" Izumi said, running from wherever she was to the entryway.

She ran toward with her arms outstretched, I guess I should have picked up that she was trying to hug me.

"Get away from me!" I shouted, pushing her away before she touched me.

"Izuku," Izumi said, taken aback.

"Son!" Toshinori said.

I glared into Yagi's eyes before hissing, "All Might..."

"Ah- HOW!?" Toshinori stuttered, also taken aback.

"I heard your and Izumi's conversation," I hissed, venom lacing my tone.

"Oh, you did?" Izumi said.

"Well, I heard enough," I added.

"Well then, Izuku," Toshinori said, "You should know that I want to give my quirk, OFA!"

"Hah?" I said, "Wait, wait, you do?"

"Yes, I indeed do," Yagi said.


"Izuku?" I heard Izumi whisper.

After I had gotten all my giggles out, I said, "I'm sorry Yagi's, but no. I don't want nor do I need your help."

"Huh?" Toshinori said.

"I will become a hero on my own accord, wever you like it or not," I stated.

"Izuku..." Toshinori said.

"Anyway, I'm going to bed," I said, walking toward the stairs.

I then went to my room, leaving a shocked and on the verge of tears Izumi. I had no idea what came over me, it was this brand new emotion inside me. A little voice in the back of my head telling me that I deserved Better. I didn't dislike it, no I relished it! I looked at the book still in my hands, and instead of being empty it was filled to the brim with knowledge! And it even had a title on it.

"The Book of Magic, huh?" I said, "Well normally I'm not one to believe in fantasy. But considering the events that happened today, I might give the unnatural a try!"

And so, that begins the story of how I became the new number 1 hero!

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