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(A/N Hey guys! I uhh, just wanted to say, wtf.

Yo, thank you! Even though I made this, like, a day ago

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Yo, thank you! Even though I made this, like, a day ago. Anyway, let's get on with this!)

Izuku POV:

"Ugh..." I groaned, waking up from my unconscious state. I got up from my position against the wall and immediately, shooting back to my original position after feeling a pain shoot throughout my entire body. "Ack, what happened?" I wondered, my beating was affecting my memory. It wouldn't be long before it all came back to me. "Ahh, that's right," I said, before breaking out into tears, "W-Why me!? Why did they have to do this to me!?"

Eventually I stopped crying and got up, even though my body screamed at me to get back down. I clutched my side because that was where I hurt the most. When I got up I saw that the sun was already setting, meaning that I had been unconscious for a while.

"Sun's setting, crap, I'm late for curfew," I said, beginning to limp back home.

Luckily for me I had memorized the way back so I managed to get back before the sun set. I braced myself to open the door and hoped nothing bad would happen, I was wrong again.

"IZUKU YAGI!" Mom yelled at me.

"Mom?" I asked, confused why I was getting yelled at. I mean sure I got home past curfew, but never earned me getting yelled at.

"Son, I'm disappointed in you," Dad said.

"What did I do?" I asked.


"I know you're upset about not having a quirk, but that gives you no right to take it out on your sister!" Dad said, standing up from the chair he was sitting on to reveal Izumi. She was dramatically holding her arm and crying very fake tears.

"Brother! Why did you hurt me!?" Izumi cried.

"W-What, but I didn't-" I was about to say before mom cut me off.

"YOU ARE GROUNDED FOR A MONTH YOUNG MAN," Inko yelled, pointing toward the staircase, "NOW GO TO YOUR ROOM!"

I couldn't object, I would just get into more trouble, so I limped toward the staircase. On my way up, I looked to see Izumi's with the smuggest grin I've ever seen. I was shocked, could my parents not see the visible frostbite, bruises and burns on me? I continued walking despite these questions burning in my mind. After I got to my room I went to my bed and ended this night like the last one, crying myself to sleep.

'When will this end?' I thought.

9 years later, it didn't end, It got worse! Instead of my parents yelling at me for bullying my sister and her friends, which I did not do, they're just neglecting me now! Lucky for me the bullying didn't get any worse, nope, just the same beatings every day! I consider myself lucky I didn't go fucking insane! Oh, yeah, I picked up swearing as well. Just a little thing to get my stress out. Anyway, the past 9 years aren't important. Just developing more mental health issues by the minute. Let's head to the point where I was at my lowest, before I went to my highest.

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