Chapter One

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Tia Hale led a typical life for the majority of her life. High school was simply come and go with not so many friends, but a lot of bullies. She didn't let anyone really get her down and she had a short temper. She was somewhat outspoken and that would sometimes get her into trouble. It was a defense mechanism unbeknownst to her. She was, deep down, a little insecure and very sensitive. So her way of not showing weakness was to hold things in. That is, until she would eventually lash out. That always got her into trouble. While in high school, she was constantly sent to detention and the principal's office for cursing at students that would pick on her or snapping back at teachers. The bullies seemed to never get in trouble and Tia would be the only one being punished for her outbursts. She had reported the bullying to teachers, the school counselor, and even her parents at one time but the target on her back was relentless.

She was the youngest person in her graduating class a few years back. She ended up not being able to attend the graduation ceremony because she unleashed her wolf on a group of girls in the cafeteria the week before school ended. Shifting was against the rules unless you were on the training grounds. Since she was younger than the rest of her peers, she was behind on her training because you don't get your first shift until you turn seventeen. She would do all of the human form training and did really well, but couldn't participate in wolf training like everyone else while in her junior year. The summer after Junior year, she finally turned 17 and met her wolf. Her wolf's name was Deva. Oh the irony. Deva was truly a force be reckoned with. Her personality was confrontational and sassy. Deva was always on edge to protect and comfort her human. So when Tia was getting bullied by the group of girls in the cafeteria, Deva wasn't having it. And since Tia hadn't had her wolf for very long, she couldn't tame Deva. Deva forced the shift and mauled the girls. Not enough to kill them, but enough for them to not fuck with her or Tia ever again.

It just so happened that the Gamma of the Night Wind pack, Shane Green, was attending a quick financial meeting at the school. The confrontation caused a huge ruckus and Tia would have to be disciplined. She was forced to shift back in private and was given a change of clothes before she was escorted to the principal's office. After changing into some heavily worn jogging pants that hugged all of her curves and a t-shirt that was two sizes too small, she was walked by security down the hall to the principal's office. She heard giggles and comments about her body and some people calling her mean names. It was a major hit to her self esteem but she held her head high.

After making it to the principal's office, she greeted Principal Wen and Gamma Shane. They discussed the incident and she explained that the group was teasing her and had shoved her into a table with so much force that she had hurt herself. She further explained that her wolf had surfaced on a complete accident and apologized for her behavior. Instead of expulsion so close to graduation, the principal and Gamma decided she would have to talk with the Alpha for punishment.

Alpha Artemis Jericho lived up to his name (which means butcher/hunter) and reputation as the second largest and strongest pack in the country. He trained some of the best warriors and hunters and he was a ruthless killer when someone threatened his land, his pack members, or his honor. So when Tia was said to have to meet him, all of her senses seemed to just go numb. She couldn't cry, she couldn't beg, she couldn't even breathe. So she just nodded in agreement and held her head down. She was sent home and was told to meet the alpha the following day. Deva felt proud of her actions and refused to apologize to Tia or anyone for that matter. She knew that what she did was right. It felt right. And the end results would be in their favor.

 And the end results would be in their favor

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Tia Hale

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