Chapter Forty

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Tia's POV

I skimmed through my books and quizzed myself on various topics. The things inside were not foreign at all and it seemed like a special part of my brain had been unlocked. I was looking at the material and it was like I had rehearsed it a million times. I knew that I worked hard in school but I wasn't at a genius level by far. I shocked myself knowing some of the answers as I did online review tests. I'm gonna ace my tests at this rate. I was really excited about my newfound memory. Maybe I just needed a little dick in my life to clear my brain. Or time away from home and alpha duties. I felt proud but still wanted to look things over. A quick knock sounded at my door as I fished out my Psychology book. Liam entered with a cute little pink haired woman. She was short, slim, fair skinned, and had a bull piercing in her nose. She hopped in so adorably I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey sis-in-laaaaw!"

I looked at Liam and he averted his eyes.

"Um, hi?"

"It's great to finally meet you!"

"Um, same?"

"Come on, little brother, properly introduce us! I'm making her feel weird!"

"Baby, this is Isabella Charm. Izzy, this is Tia."

"Ooh! You're Isabella? It's great to meet you. I apologize, but you're not what I expected."

"What did the dickhead say about me?"

"Not much. I just had the impression that you would be...older."

"The nerve! I'm only 28!"

"You look 16."

"Oh...Well thank you."

She smiled cheerfully and bounced on her toes. I looked back at Liam and he looked indifferent. Much like he does when he's uncertain of what to say or hiding something.

"So what is this? An intervention? Liam, I apologized for yesterday."

"No, Babe. Izzy is here to help you. She just has a small request."

"What kind of request?"

I looked between the two. Isabella's normally bubbly personality calmed and Liam looked guilty. It made me nervous and my heart rate picked up. There was only a few seconds of silence but it felt like hours. Isabella finally spoke up.

"Liam wants me to enter your spirit to see what your powers are so that I can help you train them."

"Oh...Is it painful or something?"

"No, not painful, painful. Just kinda...overwhelming. And your emotional state is...well, ya know."

"Oh, I see."

I pondered on the situation and thought of the positive and negative benefits. It's something I really need to do because not even my dad knows what all I'm capable of. I'll just have to work really hard to stay calm.

"Ok." I finally said.

"Are you sure?" Liam asked

"She'll be fine. Trust me! But I may need you to be there. Ya know, for the mate bond and calming effects and all that shit. If she can turn houses and shit upside down because she's mad, I don't want to imagine what else she's capable of."

I looked at her in both shock and embarrassment. She further explained how things would go and Liam's role of being my comfort. Since we couldn't do it indoors, for safety reasons, we went out to a clearing in the forest. It was near a stream and the scenery was beautiful. I figured it would help me focus on my surroundings and it was far enough away so I wouldn't kill anyone.

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