Chapter Forty One

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Liam's POV

We took the short walk to the woods and Izzy laid out the plan. It didn't take long for them to start the exercise. I was a nervous wreck. I've never experienced this type of thing and didn't know the outcome. That's against everything I practice. Especially when it comes to my mate. After that rogue attack, I don't want her to leave my sight. But I trust Izzy. I know she wants the best for me and she would do anything to protect my mate.

I zoned out for a second as Izzy chanted her spell. The winds picked up and dried leaves blew past us. Izzy's voice quieted and her body slumped forward. Tia's breathing picked up and I watched her closely. I glanced away at Izzy but she was still sitting slumped. I saw a flash of light and turned back to Tia. Her eyes were open but she had no focus. They were starting to glow and I got nervous. I called her name to bring her out of the trance but she wouldn't respond. I pulled her body closer to mine so the mate bond could keep her calm. Izzy still isn't in her body so I can't ask for help. I linked Will for a doctor to be on standby at the house because there was too much uncertainty. Tears poured from her eyes as the rays of light beamed from them. Her fists tightened and she started panting for air. I kept screaming her name but she never responded. I felt tears form in my eyes. I could feel that something was terribly wrong. I shook her violently and Izzy yelled out. She was back in her body but Tia was still comatose.

She looked at Tia's glowing eyes and stood in astonishment.

"How often does she do that?"

"Izzy! Don't fuck around! Save her! Wake her up!"

"You shouldn't. She sees something."

I turned to look at my mate and the beams from her eyes had subsided. She was still out of it but I could feel a calm in her.

"Liam. Leave her for just a few minutes. She has to figure this out. Tell me about her eyes."

"It happens when she's emotional. Mostly when she's angry. But when she's really excited or happy, they flash a little."

I smiled thinking of the little things that made her happy. Having a frappuccino ready for her at breakfast. The announcement of our mateship. Every time we have sex. When I told her I loved her. I couldn't stop worrying about the fact that she hadn't come back yet.

"Izzy, you have to wake her up."

"Please give her a second, Liam."

"I swear Isabella...!"

Tia took in a deep breath and looked around. She was back. Thank you, Goddess. I asked her if she was okay. I kept calling her name. I was trying to get her to focus on me. Izzy tried too but she just stared at us with a blank face. I told Izzy to portal us back. I quickly scooped her up and went through. Normally when I portal with Izzy, I would feel nauseous and disoriented but my head was so wrapped around Tia that it was at the back of my mind. I sat her in a chair and continued to communicate with her. She cocked her head and looked at me confused. I blew a fuse.

"Isabella Faith! What the fuck did you do to her?!"

"I don't know what's happening! I didn't do anything." She buried her face into her hands and cried.

"I swear to Goddess I will rip your fucking heart out right here and now! I trusted you! I fucking trusted you with her!"

"Liam..." Tia called. She was barely audible. I rushed back to her.

"Baby. Are you ok? I studied her to see if we needed the doctor.

"I saw her."

"Who? Who did you see?"

She paused like something heavy was on her mind when she finally said she saw her mother, I was confused. I needed her to tell me what happened. She named someone as Selene. Her mom's name is Amaris. Izzy gasped at the mention of the name so I looked to her for an answer.

"Selene is the name of the Moon Goddess herself."

I was stunned. I looked back to Tia for more details. She explained the things she went through and it was shocking. I could now see how her emotions that transpired on the outside were based off of what happened on the inside. I didn't know how to process any of the information. Izzy seemed to understand a lot more than I did so I let them hash it out as I gathered as much information as possible.

"Life and death in my hands. Fire and ice in my heart. The earth and the sea in my mind."

I had a moment of realization and turned to Izzy. and death in his hands, he heals. Robert...The earth and sea in his mind, he's a master hunter with super keen senses. Tia...has it all. I need to figure out what fire and ice is about. She paced the floor processing what all happened. I felt a rush of anger in the pit of my stomach. I almost lost my breath. It was like being hit by a ton of bricks. Tia started crying and yelling and the room started to shake again. I told her to calm down but it only scared her more. The weather outside turned violent quickly. She started to hyperventilate and the air in the room turned unruly. A hurricane of winds tossed everything in her path. I pushed past the raging winds and stuffed her head into my chest. Anything to calm her down. Books slammed my back, I could hear the walls cracking to the foundation, glass was breaking all around us. She was too emotional. I held her tight until things calmed down. I kept her in place until it was settled. I didn't want her to see the damage but she pushed me away. It hurt her. The pit of my stomach ached and my heart skipped a beat because of her expression. So much guilt and regret. But it was out of her control. Her emotions have gotten the best of her. It seemed to be getting worse. I pulled her back into me to keep her calm. She cried softly for a moment until Izzy said she could help. I hope everything works out soon and for the better.

Tia's POV

After things, and myself, finally calmed down Liam walked me to my room. He was abnormally silent considering the circumstances. I realized I really fucked up and thought maybe he was mad at me. I sat at the corner of my bed staring at him in the seating area. He just looked stressed and deep in thought.

"I'm sorry about everything."

I finally said. He looked up at me and I focused my gaze to the floor.

"Things are getting worse, Tia. I don't know how to help you."

"I didn't mean to do it." I said with tears brimming my eyes. "I just don't understand it all."

"I have a theory that may shed some light. Your father heals. He was also a great warrior from what Robert told me. That's life and death in his hands. Robert is a great hunter. He excels at it, better than anyone I've ever known. His senses are ten times better than any wolf. He has the land and sea in his mind. The only thing I don't have a clue about is the fire and ice in your heart. If Izzy says she can help you, she will."

His theory made sense. I mulled over all the things that's happened in the past few days.

"Fire and ice in my heart...When I'm angry, I cause destruction. Earthquakes and tornadoes and storms. So when I'm really happy, what will happen?"

Liam sat quietly and rubbed his upper lip. Thinking of anything that will help me understand.

"When you're happy, you exude this energy. This peaceful aura that calms everything around you. I've felt it a few times. Not to sound corny or anything, but it's like a home cooked meal or a warm hug from someone you love. It makes everything in your mind, body and soul...happy and at peace."

I thought for a moment and realized I've never really been happy about anything. My life was boring and miserable until I met Liam. I started to find happiness in little things that were around me. Just thinking of him filled my heart with happiness.

"You're my happiness." I said in a small voice. "So in order for me to 'do good,' I need you. I need my other half."

"You have me. More than you know."

I cried happy tears as we met for a hug. He squeezed me tight and a burden was lifted from my heart. The darkness that was in me seemed to have completely dissipated. I think I was more afraid of him not reciprocating my feelings. The doubt and uncertainty quickly vanished. Knowing that he meant those words we spoke yesterday, gave me new light. I felt whole.

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