Chapter Eight

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Liam's POV

As I sit here listening to this arrogant bastard ramble about nothing of importance, I keep thinking about how beautiful she is. She's absolutely perfect in every way. I don't even know her name yet but she's already consuming my mind. I can't help the jealousy in my heart because she has a faint smell of another male. Who is this male? I will rip his throat out if he touches my mate again. She seems devoted to this alpha so maybe he arranged a marriage for her or something. He seems like the type of prick to something like that. Why else would she smell of another male? The smell is not strong so I know she isn't marked. It's like she was cuddling with someone. I felt myself start to get angry. So I took a deep breath and listened to the bumbling idiot. She will be back with our drinks hopefully. I can hear her in there blending something, probably cream. I take back everything I said about his assistant being an incompetent Omega. I just need to know if she's truly my mate. I've been waiting damn near 10 years to meet her. And now, I'm at a loss for words? I've practiced these lines in my head a million times over the years. And now...nothing. I just stare at her like a crazed maniac.

The side door knocks and she enters with a smile. Goddess, if she's that beautiful with a fake smile I can't wait to see the real one. She looks nervous and it's adorable. As she starts to hand out drinks I thought of a way to see if she was my destined mate. All I have to do is touch her. A simple brush across her finger as she hands me my cup should send a few sparks though my body. I watch her closely in anticipation for an interaction. She first goes to Tyler with his tea, then scurries across to Will and Sam with their coffees and places a drink down for the alpha. He glanced at her but kept talking. She glanced at me and smiled. My drink will be next but I won't let her put it down. In the future, she will never be treated as a lowly servant.

As she makes her way around Sam and Will, my heartbeat increases dramatically. Where are these nerves coming from? I can't take my eyes off of her. She stands to my right and starts to put my cup of whiskey down. I quickly grabbed the cup and placed my hand over hers. The sparks igniting the mate bond were so powerful I couldn't let go. I've never felt so alive or so powerful. Just one touch from her sends tingles and butterflies through my entire being. Titan howled in excitement. I stared at her to see her reaction. Did she feel the energy? She eventually pulls back and holds her hand like she was disgusted. Is she going to reject me? We continued to look at each other but I couldn't read her emotions. Her mouth was slightly opened like she was surprised or maybe even appalled by my behavior. Artemis called her name and that took her attention from me. Tia. Such a beautiful name, it fits her.  I thought to myself. She stumbled out a few words and quickly walked away. What did he say to her? She left the office door open and I can hear her fumbling around. She quickly exited and walked over to a seat near his desk. If she can throw that ass like that just from walking, I wonder what it's like with my hands gripping it from underneath her. My dick shifted in my pants and I had to adjust in my seat to distract my thoughts. Artemis requested for her to come sit next to me. She declined and my heart dropped. When he insisted that she does, I was thrilled. I wanted her to sit on my lap but I needed to take baby steps. She begrudgingly walked over and sat as far away as possible. I felt a little offended to be honest. Did she not feel the bond that was pulling us together? Did she despise me or something?

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I was thinking impure thoughts and wondering who this male was that she smelled of. I kept peeling myself from staring at her. I was in awe of her beauty. The way she was so vigilantly working was sexy as hell. She would bite her pen which would leave me to look at her perfect lips. She would get this intense stare at her computer screen and scrunch her nose so adorably. Titan was ecstatic to have his mate so close. He really wanted to introduce himself and see her wolf. Does she even have a wolf? She's so perfect, but she could be a human. Or an angel. Either way, she was sent just for me.

Artemis just kept going on and on about how his pack can benefit my pack and vice versa. I gave a series of yes and no responses and short answers. I'm not much of a talker, I'm a man of action. I will figure all of the details on a later date. I can't focus on him right now. I'm literally sitting an arm's length away from my mate that I've been waiting for since I was fifteen.

The meeting comes to a close a little after 10:00. I could tell my guards were exhausted but I'm accustomed to keeping odd hours. We shook hands and exchanged pleasantries and he asked her to show us to our rooms. She had this look on her face like she wanted to give him a piece of her mind. I found it hilarious. But she suppressed it and gave a fake smile. She agreed to take us and we set out. I followed closely behind her followed by Sam, Tyler, then Will. Yeah, I checked out that ass again so I can have pleasant dreams. She stopped at my door first. Of course the guys have to do a security sweep before I enter. I wanted to take this time to say something to her but again, I went blank. She studied their movements as I just stood there being creepy again. As soon as I took a breath in to say something, Will came out with an 'all clear.' I turned back to see her but she was already walking away with Sam.

I went inside and was restless. I paced the floor for about ten minutes thinking of how stupid I was. Then I finally got the courage to say something to her. I peaked out to see nothing and no one but I could still smell her scent. I followed it around to the other side of the hall and a few doors down. I knocked and didn't get an answer. I tried the knob and it was unlocked. Thank you, Goddess. I slipped into the dimly lit room. It smelled just like her. It wasn't really decorated but you can see her personal flare. She had books and notebooks scattered across the desk, a huge backpack on the floor filled with more books, pink satin sheets, a fluffy pink blanket and a rug and accent pillows to match. I heard the shower water running so I decided to sit and wait. I sat on the end of her bed and was lost in thought about what to say. I didn't hear the shower turn off or her coming out of the bathroom. All of a sudden I heard a loud gasp and looked up and she was there. Startled. Eyes as big as an owl's. She glanced around the room like she was ready to find a weapon so I snapped on the bedside lamp to let her know it was me.

 She glanced around the room like she was ready to find a weapon so I snapped on the bedside lamp to let her know it was me

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