Chapter Nineteen

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Announcing to the Alpha

After the tour of the territory Liam and Tia made their way to the kitchen for lunch. It was primetime so there were a lot of people at the tables. The hunters and warriors co-mingled so there always had to be a feast of foods to provide all of their dietary needs. They had to do this at both houses and the alpha's villa. Men eat a lot, wolves eat more. Some of the women ate large portions too and all meals were packed with proteins. They would also have an array of fruits and vegetables and starches because they have to 'carbo load' and keep their immune systems healthy.

Tia showed Liam where everything was and set off to make herself a plate. After preparing her food consisting of three chicken wings with macaroni and a side salad, she made her way to the fridge for another frappuccino and had a seat in between Robert and Tyler. Sam was sitting across from her and Will sat on the other side of Robert. It was super crowded so when Liam came to sit, he made Tyler move to sit next to his mate. He sat down next to her and leaned in to kiss her cheek. He let it linger a moment so he could show it was an intimate kiss. She blushed and gave him a small nudge. When he had walked in, he noticed all eyes on him so he wanted to show off in front of everyone. His aura was enough for people to know he had high status and rumors had already spread about the alpha of alphas being at the pack. Specifically at Alpha villa. So the wolves that wanted to steal a glance of the most powerful wolf in the country, came to eat at the villa today.

Once he showed his public display of affection, the room was filled with whispers causing Tia to look up from her food. As she scanned the room she noticed a lot of eyes on her and was curious as to what was going on. She leaned in to ask Robert what the deal was. He smiled and said,

"It's because your mate just pissed on your leg in front of a third of the pack." and laughed with Tyler who had squeezed in between him and Will.

"What do you mean he pissed on my leg?" she asked.

"He just laid claim to you in front of everybody. You know, like a dog pissing on a hydrant?"

Sam and Will joined in on the laughter this time and Tia turned to look at Liam in shock. He kept his eyes straight ahead while smiling and sipping some drink from his cup. He was trying his best to suppress the laughter because he knew exactly what he was doing.

After lunch and a little chatter. Everyone was heading out. Robert had to go train his hunters so Sam tagged along to 'give pointers.' Will and Tyler made their way to their rooms to get prepped for the meeting. Tia grabbed Liam's dishes and put them in one of the dozen dishwashers and was going to go to her room to get ready herself. Liam was waiting for her in the living room, she smiled and walked to him. He grabbed her arms and pulled them around his neck. He then wrapped his arms around her waist and gave soft kisses to her lips.

"We have to go get ready for the meeting. I need to wash up and change into something more professional."

She said as he rocked back and forth like a slow dance. She swayed along with him, looking into his eyes and he smiled lovingly down on her.

"I'll let you go this time. But believe me, I won't be letting go for long."

He said. His words felt like silk in Tia's heart. A soothing comfort settled in her chest. It felt like a fairytale. They parted ways at the stairwells and made their way to their rooms. Tia was on cloud nine. She had been completely swept off of her feet. She took a quick shower and changed into a black two piece skirt suit with a pink satin top and a pair of black flats. She grabbed a few belongings and headed to her office.

20 minutes had passed and she hadn't gotten a beep on her intercom from Alpha Artemis. He must be running late and that's not like him at all. She decided to send a text to her mom. She was curious if Robert had told her the news yet. When she searched for her phone she couldn't find it. I must've left it in my room. She thought. So she left the office to rush back. She just made it to the hall of the West Wing when she bumped into April. She always avoided her at all costs.

"Oops, I'm so sorry, April. I was rushing to my room for something."

"No. It's ok. I was actually on my way to your office to see you."

"Why? What's up?"

"I uuuh, don't want to seem nosey or anything but a rumor is being spread around pretty quickly about you having a relationship with Alpha Onyx. I don't want it to be like last time. I know that you purposely avoid me because of the things we did to you when we were younger. But I want you to know that I'm really, truly sorry. And I'm willing to stand up for you if these rumors aren't true."

"The things that happened to me as a child were far worse than some rumors! You have no right to come and question anything about me! And it took you three years to come to me and apologize? Well guess what, I don't forgive you. You only came to me for information. If you want to know about 'Alpha Onyx', ask him yourself."

Tia started to storm off but was met with the group of men: Alphas Artemis and Onyx along with Will and Tyler stood staring at the two. They had heard the whole conversation. Tia was upset and tears were already formed in the well of her eyes. Alpha Artemis spoke first and said

"April, I'll deal with you later. Tia, my office, now."

She turned on her heels and made her way into the office. She plopped onto the couch and tried to keep her tears from falling. I didn't work. They were streaming. The group of men all found their same places as before and Liam sat closer to her and placed his arm around her. He soothingly rubbed her arms up and down and shushed her softly. Alpha Artemis let out a deep sigh from his chest and spoke.

"Is anyone going to tell me what's going on here?"

"With all due respect, Alpha. I don't want this situation to get out of control. But Tia is my mate and I won't stand for her to be bullied again."

"Your mate? How-When did you find out?"

"At last night's meeting."

"You controlled yourself very well, Alpha Onyx. I had no idea! I was a nervous wreck when I first met Esther! Hell, I almost scared her away." He chuckled.

"Well, I know the feeling of the nerves. I haven't been able to think straight since I've met her. But we still have details to iron out and we don't want any frivolous rumors spreading around your territory."

"That's the mate bond for ya. I couldn't even walk a straight line when I would see Esther. The Moon goddess blessed me with a wonderful mate. She's out at the Mystic Moon pack with her sister at the moment. It'll be great if you met her one day."

"Still talking business, I see."

"No, no, no. But yes. I'm eager to have such an alliance but that can wait. I'd like to get the two of you situated first. Misinformation can cause a lot of unnecessary speculation. So I would love to throw a formal dinner tonight and announce your mateship. What do you say?"

Liam looks to Tia for a response.

"I'd love that." She says.

"Great! Then it's settled. I'll have everything set up in the ballroom by 8 tonight. Alpha Onyx, I hope it won't be a problem that we didn't have this meeting today. Mateship is very exciting and important to me. If you decide we can have an alliance, we'll do paperwork and logistics on a later date. I want your time here focused on your mate. It builds strength within you and your wolf, ya know? Listen to me stammering about. This is just such exciting news! Tia's father was like an uncle to me so I feel as if she's family. And we've grown rather close over the years. Either way, I'll have my staff of tailors to your rooms at 6, and Tia you'll use Esther's stylists. I have a lot of calls to make, so shoo. I'll see you all this evening."

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