Chapter Twenty One

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Liam's POV

After we left the brief meeting with the alpha, Tia and I wanted to spend some time together. We walked hand in hand as she led me down a path in the garden. We sat on a bench under a nest of cherry blossom trees. It was beautiful, I'd hate to admit but they were in full bloom since it was the beginning of May. I can tell she would come here to relax often, it just fits her. Calm, secluded, quiet, and pink. We sat and talked about her upbringing, her family, her likes and dislikes, and her schooling. That reminded me of the conversation we had last night.

"Is your schooling the reason you don't want to come with me back to the kingdom?"

"It is. I've worked really hard to be able to graduate a year ahead."

"When is your graduation?"

"At the beginning of June. We have the option of going to class this coming week and then finals the following Monday through Wednesday. My finals will determine if I'll actually graduate so I'm taking this optional week to really focus on my studying."

"So if everything works out with your finals, which I know it will, where would that leave us?"

"Well, I've been thinking about that since last night. I thought that maybe we could just play it by ear. I know you have to go back on Monday and I'll be here to study and work for Alpha. Then I'll do my finals the following week. That's as far as I got."

"How about this? We can both return on Monday and you can study at the kingdom and meet some of the pack members. We'll come back the following Friday so you can help out the alpha. I'll work on the alliance treaty with him while you do your finals and then we can return. How does that sound?"

"It sounds like you want me stuck to your hip."

"I do."


"Look, Tia, it's not just the mate bond with me. I've known you less than 24 hours and my world is already revolving around you. I don't want to be apart from you. I can't see my life without you. You're perfect for me in every way. I can't deny that I already have feelings for you."

"I have feelings for you too."

"Well? Do you want to spend the next two weeks apart?"


"So, what do you say?"

My argument seems to have worked. I just pulled that plan out of my ass. I guess it's true that 'when you speak from your heart and say the words your soul has only dared to whisper that's when miracles happen.'

"You're very convincing, you know?"

"Am I?"

"You are. And you still ask a lot of questions."

I laughed.

"I agree." She finally stated.

I smiled exceptionally large and pulled her into my embrace. We continued to talk and I opened like a book. I told her about my packs and what we stood for, my childhood, and how my parents died. My dad was on the frontlines in a battle and they were severely outnumbered. The other pack had a small coven of witches and one had laid a curse on him. Even though they were triumphant in battle and killed them all, he still had the curse. We scoured for witches all across the country but no one could undo the level of black magic that was slowly killing him. My mother and I watched him deteriorate for six months until he peacefully passed away in his sleep. She was so heartbroken and eventually lost hope after a year without her mate. She took her own life. I was 19 when my dad died. I had been training as an alpha my entire life so taking the reins came easily. But keeping my emotions in check was extremely hard. It had been 5 years of complete loneliness after my mom died. Five years of darkness and despair. I grew my territory, my kingdom, and became the best of the best. The Lycan Counsel dubbed me the alpha of alphas. Since the descendants of King Edward had died out over 200 years ago, there has been no king. And now, I'm the king of werewolves. But it didn't feel right to call myself a king without my queen. Now I finally have her.

"I don't want to be called 'Queen Tia', it doesn't even sound right. Sounds like a rapper's name."

"Well, familiarize yourself with it. There will be a ceremony and everything."

"Are you serious?"

"Very. There will be thousands of wolves from all over. Everyone will want to be a part of the first coronation we've had in centuries. You do realize that you're the Luna of the Midnight Stone and Midnight Shadow packs? Once you agreed to accept me as your mate, you became royalty."

"Me? Royalty? I didn't think about that. I could reject you and remain the normal Tia Hale of Night Wind."


"I'm kidding! Geez, calm down. You practically have me eating from the palm of your hands, Liam."

"I have other things I want to do with my hands."

She squealed as I scooped her up bridal style. I walked back to the house and placed her on her feet at the door.

"You know I care for you deeply, Tia. I want you to have all the best. And I want to make you happy for the rest of our lives."

I said. Her eyes welled up with tears. I kissed her long and hard with my arms around her waist. She draped her arms around my neck as she kissed me back. The door swung open and an older lady cleared her throat.

"Sorry to interrupt but, Tia, your stylists are waiting."

"It's only 5:00. The ceremony isn't until 8."

"Pain is beauty and beauty is pain. There's a lot of stuff to be done in the meantime."

"Ok, I guess. Thanks, Dorothy. I'll be right up."

"Congratulations, Tia. Alpha."

She smiled proudly and bowed her head. I gave her a soft nod and smiled back at her. She made her way back inside and closed the door to give us a last moment of privacy.

"Go make yourself more beautiful. I'll see you soon, my Love."

"See you soon."

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