Chapter Sixteen

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Liam's POV

After that drunken bastard left the room, Tia released her grip. I tried to act like I wasn't disappointed in her action so I turned to linger around the room. I looked at inanimate objects as I pondered what to say. I told her that no one has ever been able to calm me down in such a short amount of time. She wondered why so I basically warned her that I have a short temper. I don't want to spook her when my attitude shifts in the future. She seemed to have figured that out and gave me a snarky comeback. Goddess, that's so infuriating when you're on the receiving end. It'll be hilarious if she was saying it to someone else though. I tried to keep my tone sincere as I told her that I wanted her to come and take her place in my kingdom. She thought about it for a second and responded that she had never considered moving away. I never considered her family, hell I never even asked about it. I mean, I have a private jet and it's just a six hour flight. They can come and go as they please or even come to join my pack, so I offered to make any arrangements to make her happy. She apologized and told me that the timing is all wrong. The moon goddess doesn't make mistakes. I need her. Why is she avoiding being my mate? I questioned her about how to change her mind. Without hesitation she said I couldn't. My heart broke. Why would she reject me? I can't see myself without her. I remained quiet and sighed out of frustration. I felt defeated. She spoke up to say that she just had a really long day and needed a clear head. I agreed to give her space and walked away to my room.

As I lay in the darkness staring at the abyss, I wondered why she was so conflicted. I hope and pray that she'll give this some serious thought. My heart was in my stomach as I questioned everything that has happened in the past six hours. From the first time I smelled her scent, I was drawn to her. It's not like any of the flings from the past, I wanted to do everything right by her. I just don't know what it will take for us to be together. I gave up on my thoughts and prayed to the goddess that she'll change her mind. The fatigue of the day consumed me and I finally drifted off to sleep.

I was woken up by a knock at the door. I opened one eye to shield myself from the blinding sun peeking through the windows. It took me a while to get my bearings and a second knock sounded. "Come in," I said. The door slowly opened as I made my way to the end of the bed still draped in the sheet. Tia popped her head around the door and smiled. I groggily smiled back. She closed the door and made her way inside, about halfway to where I sat, and twiddled with her fingers while looking at the floor. I studied her demeanor and wondered why she was here. She looked so fucking hot right now. She had on a pink, knee length dress that had red and yellow roses plastered across it. It was low cut to where it showed just a little cleavage, fitted at the waist, and then flowed to a delicate loose fit that still showed off her hips. She finally looked up and spoke.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

"I've texted with Alpha this morning and he said he wanted me to take you on a tour of the grounds and you all would meet this afternoon after lunch."

"Soooo, we're spending the day together?"

"Well, um, not exactly. More like a couple hours, it's ten o'clock already."

"Shit, I overslept."

"How can you oversleep when you're on a mini vacation?"

"This is not a vacation. This is business."

"Well business is scheduled for this afternoon. You can rest and I'll come back once the meeting is about to start. You can have your meal brought to you, whatever you want, if you use the en-suite phone and dial '5.' The butler is '2,' the maid is '3,' laundry is '4,' and the kitchen is '5.' Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Yeah, what's the number for you?"

She dropped her head and blushed.

"Do you think for one second that I'd pass up the opportunity of spending the day with you? Even if it's just a couple hours. Give me 10 minutes and I'll be ready."

I stood from the bed and dropped the sheet. She gasped and turned around. I was just standing there in my underwear. I wasn't totally naked. Had she never seen this much of a male? Oh my goddess, I think she's a virgin! My mate saved herself for me? That's so fucking sexy. Now I know she's to be all mine.

A cheesy grin made its way to my face. I strutted over and stood behind her. Her breath hitched and her body tensed. I leaned down and wrapped my arms around her waist. I placed my face in the crook of her neck and inhaled deeply. I felt her body start to relax in my embrace so I placed soft kisses down her neck. A soft moan left her throat so I trailed my way up to her jaw line and back down to her neck. When I made it to the place where her mark belongs I nipped at it with my teeth. The sexiest moan I've ever heard left her mouth. My dick was instantly hard. My boxer briefs were stretched to capacity. I turned her around to look into her eyes. She was filled with lust and I could smell her arousal. I took in her features and leaned in slowly for a kiss. She closed her eyes awaiting it. I started off slow but as the sparks reached their peak, I got hungrier for her affection. I got more aggressive with the kiss and she stayed in rhythm. I lightly bit down on her bottom lip to let me in, and she did. Her velvety tongue mingled with mine until I took control. As she was in a daze, I turned her on her feet and slowly started forcing her backwards toward the bed. My lips never left hers as I cradled her neck and back firmly before dropping the both of us onto the mattress. She was so lost in the kiss, she didn't even notice. I started to kiss harder and more passionately than before as I slipped myself between her legs and grinded my hard cock against her pelvis. The dress was slightly raised and I had the perfect position. I grinded harder to let her feel my whole size and show her the effect she had on me. Her panties were soaked. I slid my hands from under her one at a time, never breaking the kiss. I rested my weight on one elbow and slid the other hand into the side of her panties.

I brushed past her wet folds a few times until my hand was in the perfect position to rub her swollen clit. I rubbed small circles at first and a soft moan left her throat. I ran my finger back into her wet folds and suddenly flicked up onto her clit, her body jolted with pleasure. I broke the kiss and placed small kisses down her face until I got to her neck. I sucked on the spot just below her earlobe then moved on to just above her shoulder blade. I wanted to mark her today, but a neck full of hickies will let everyone know that she's mine. I applied more pressure and returned to doing circles and she moaned and grinded down against my hand. I sped up the pace and applied a little more pressure until she was a moaning mess. I kissed across her heaving chest to the other side of her neck and sucked on where her mark will be. A scream of pure ecstasy left her mouth and she came undone in my hand. I released the pressure and slowed down my circles. When her body finished convulsing, I gave a light pinch to her juicy pearl. She jerked with more pleasure as she completed her orgasm. With ragged breaths, she calmed down and opened her eyes. I smiled down at her and placed a soft, passionate kiss on her lips. I then got up and helped her sit up on the bed. I placed another kiss on her forehead and smiled at her. Then I told her "I'll be ready in 10 more minutes." as I walked to the bathroom.

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