Chapter Eleven

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Tia's POV

I heard his footsteps retreat to my room door. He seems to have paused, I held my breath hoping he wouldn't come back. The footsteps got more faint and then I heard my door shut. Whew. He left. I stepped into the room and realized I was all alone. I felt a little empty without him here but was really quite relieved. I made my way to the closet to put on some pajamas. At least if he comes back, I'll be dressed. I walked to my desk to find my phone but I couldn't find it. Then I remembered I hadn't been back to my office since the meeting, I must've left it on my desk. Well, I might as well finish my report for the meeting so I won't be behind tomorrow, I thought. I slipped on my fuzzy unicorn slippers, grabbed my laptop and recorder, and made my way out of the room towards my office. It was really quiet in the villa so my slippers made little slide noises as I walked through the halls. I glanced at Liams door as I passed his side of the hall. There was a tiny ray of light coming from beneath the door. I thought about going to knock but what would I even talk about? I continued past the hall to my office. I was pitch black dark so I popped on the light then made my way to my desk. I found my phone sitting in plain sight so I glanced at the screen for notifications, none. I'm so popular. I placed it back down and shifted in my seat for comfort and began booting up the computers.

I fished out the cord for the recorder to upload the meeting's contents. After the desktop booted up, I plugged it in, did the upload, and hit play so I could put the highlights into my laptop. I was content with my work for about an hour, fast forwarding through all of Alpha Artemis's unimportant rants, when I thought I heard something. I paused and tuned into my senses and I could smell Liam. I looked up to the office door and he was propped against the door frame looking at me with a smirk on his face. It quickly vanished and he went back to looking emotionless. My eyes trailed his body up and down slowly. He was wearing nothing but gym shorts and slippers. His broad thick shoulders, his enormous biceps, his '@' shaped navel, those 8-pack abs. His shorts hung low enough for me to see the V shape going to his pelvis. My eyes lingered below the waist of his shorts for a little too long and I could see his print. Holy fuckin shit! That's just the print?! I felt my mouth water so I swallowed hard and focused my gaze back up to his majestic face.

"Hi," is all I managed to get out. Stupid fucking brain! 'Hi?!' Is that the best I could do?

"Hey. What are you doing up and working at this hour?" He questioned.

"Um. I was just, um, trying to get caught up on a few things so I'll have less to do tomorrow." I played busy by tidying up my things.

He rubbed the back of his neck and walked in. I watched his every move. The way his chest flexed, the rotation of his hips, the way his abs relaxed and constricted with every step, the way his dick swayed side to side as he walked....He's so fucking sexy! He stopped right along the side of my chair, literally a touch away. My heartbeat was so erratic it was hard to breathe. His scent and closeness was making me dizzy. I swiveled in my chair to face him and I was now face to face with his enormous penis. I slowly looked up from his bulging print, to his chiseled abs, to his broad and muscular chest and shoulders, to his perfect brown lips, then to his gorgeous green eyes. When I met his eyes, he smiled down at me and I could see his deep dimples and perfectly white teeth. I can't believe this is my mate. Thank you, Goddess.

Liam's POV

After leaving her room, I was restless again. I just laid in the bed staring at the ceiling overthinking everything. I'm a problem solver by nature but this, this is different. I can't mess this up. She's not just some fling that I don't give a damn about. I just met her and have feelings for her. I've only had feelings for one other female, and that bitch can rot in hell for the rest of her life. She left me damaged. So one night stands is all I'm good for. No strings attached. You get yours and I'll get mine, plain and simple.

I laid there thinking of nothing and all of a sudden heard footsteps. Light shuffling sounds shimmered through the hall. They seemed to have slowed and then the pace picked up and went towards Artemis's office. I got up and peeked my head out of the door. I didn't see anyone. So I crept to the end of the hall and peered around the corner. It was dark but then a light flicked on and I saw Tia's frame enter a room. Where is she going at this time? The door never closes and I can see the light but hear no noises. Is that where her boyfriend is? I calm my thoughts and slip back into my room to shower.

After a good, long shower I find myself more awake than before. I checked over some emails in my phone and sent a few orders back for the kingdom. I also texted my alphas to let them know the status of today. Once my mind was free, I thought of Tia. I wonder if she's still awake. I slipped out of my room with just some basketball shorts and loafers. I made it to the end of the hall and when I looked left, the light was still on. I made my way down the hall to pique my curiosity of who she was with. When I made it, she was there alone. Working diligently on her laptop while a recording from our meeting played. I smiled at her scrunched nose and leaned against the doorframe. I was in awe of her. Her playful pajamas had Spongebob characters printed all over and of course, they were pink. At least I know one thing about her, her favorite color. She was hard at work and it was after midnight. She paused for a moment and then looked up. When her eyes met mine, I held my breath. I quickly wiped away that goofy grin that was plastered on my face and studied her. Her eyes glanced around my body and slowly made their way back up to mine. I think she was checking out my dick! She swallowed nervously and spoke a soft 'hi.' I almost lost my shit. I wanted to laugh and tease her for making it obvious that she was scoping out my dick print. Instead, I rubbed my neck to suppress the laughter and walked toward her questioning why she was working so late. I clearly make her nervous. I'm not sure if it's a good thing, but it's hella cute. I stopped and stood right next to her so if she turns her chair, she'll be face to face with the print she's been glancing at. I'm not sure where my confidence came from but knowing that my mate was sexually attracted to me seemed to really do it for me. I looked down at her as she turned in her chair. She took the bait. Her eyes trailed to my bulge and slowly worked her way up my body. When she finally made eye contact, I smiled the happiest smile of my life.

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