Chapter Twenty Five

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Tia's POV

After a quick shower and brushing my teeth twice, I grabbed my phone and made my way to the dining hall. There weren't many people left so I easily spotted Liam with his warriors and Robert. I went and sat next to Liam and he handed me a freshly shaken bottle of frappuccino. I smiled and popped open the cap. They were consumed with chatter about fighting strategies which I had no interest in so I opened my phone and saw all of the missed calls from my mom yesterday and a series of texts from different people saying their congrats. I was replying to each person, content in my own little world, when Robert called my name. He asked if I wanted to trail them to the training grounds and go for a run afterwards. Deva was ecstatic with the word 'run' so I agreed. I texted Alpha to see if he needed me today. He quickly responded that I was relieved of my duties and thanked me for all of my years of hard work. My heart felt full. I was finally free even though I really enjoyed what I did.

I watched the guys do some training exercises and took note of some of their techniques. Maybe I can use this in the future and go on hunts with Deva. They wrapped up in about 30 minutes because they were eager to go for a run. Deva was in a bouncing frenzy so I quickly made my way to the edge of the woods and slipped behind a tree to undress. This will be the first time Liam and I will see each other in wolf form. I will have to let Titan sniff my butt! Oh dear Goddess, please don't let Deva embarrass me again.

Oh, hush. I'll behave. She barked.

I saw the guys closing the distance and didn't want them to see me naked so I willed Deva forward and landed on all fours. I trotted out of the treeline towards them and caught their attention. Will, Sam, Tyler and Liam stopped dead in their tracks. My brother took a few more steps but turned back to look at them.

"Relax, guys. It's Tia...Well Deva." He smiled.

They visibly relaxed and took in my appearance.

"Holy hell, Tia! Your wolf is fucking beautiful! And Big! Can I touch your fur?" Tyler asked childishly.

I snorted and gave a small nod in approval. He slowly approached and I watched his every move. The others stood silently with their eyes still wide. Liam's mouth was opened in shock. Tyler's hand hovered over my head like he was scared to touch me so I lifted it just enough to put my fur in his palm. He realized that it was really me and stroked my head a few times. I love being petted, Deva hates it. Once Tyler felt comfortable enough, he grabbed my cheeks and looked me in the eyes. This earned him a growl from Liam so he released me, stood straight, and backed away. I put on a wolfie grin and walked to my mate. He was still in awe and I'd pay good money to know what's on his mind. I stood before him and gave a head bow. Then I took a step forward and licked his hand. I was about as tall as his upper abs so he bent down slightly and examined every inch of my face. Deva seized the opportunity and licked his whole face, chin to forehead. He closed his eyes and scrunched his face and then just smiled and rubbed my fur. I purred with satisfaction while the guys had a good laugh about it. He placed a kiss on top of my snout and walked to the woods stripping his clothes in the process. The guys followed suit.

After a moment, they all came back. I could instantly tell which one was Liam. Besides him leading the way out, he had a bigger stature than the rest. Titan was a head taller than me. He has black and white fur with hints of tan and those piercing, electric blue eyes. Robert was quite a bit shorter than me and was more lean. He's all black with silver socks. Tyler followed with his wolf who was chestnut brown. Almost the color of his hair, but darker. He had a few stripes of black on his legs and green eyes. He was about the same height as Robert, maybe a little shorter. Then came Will. His wolf was a little bigger than Robert's in both height and weight and mixed evenly with black and white and a reddish brown color that really stood out on his ears, tail, legs and snout. He had these greenish-gray eyes and was super fluffy. Quite the opposite of his buzz cut hair. Sam came last. His wolf had blonde and white fur and golden colored eyes. He's naturally a blonde with blue eyes. They trotted over to me so that Deva could greet them. As a Luna, my wolf would have to accept them. No introductions were necessary with Robert and Bandit, we did that years ago and siblings naturally flock to each other.

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