Chapter Thirty Eight

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Tia's POV

I tried to control my thoughts and all of the 'what ifs' surrounding Robert's situation. How would my parents react? How injured is he? I wished my dad was here to heal him. I'm unsure of if I'd be able to do it.

"How much longer?" I asked.

"Just a couple of minutes. Why are you blocking your thoughts?"

"I don't want you to worry."

"I worry more by not knowing. Just please, don't overthink it. Will says he's stable."

I sighed in relief. We pulled up to the hospital and it was really a hospital. It was a huge, two-story stone building. We went into the emergency entrance and I was surprisingly calmer than before. There was a young woman, about my age, sitting at the reception desk. She stood in our presence and bowed. I slowed and gave a nod but Liam just dragged me away. We went down a couple of halls and I saw Will and Sam. As we approached, they bowed and Sam opened the door. I walked in to see Robert and Tyler talking leisurely. They stopped dry. Tyler took a bow and left and Robert sat upright in bed. His head was wrapped in gauze. He had a black eye and scratches and bruising on his body. I rushed to hug him and he winced from my squeeze. I quickly backed away and observed him with tears filling my eyes.

"Hey. Don't get all emotional, I'm fine."

"It was all my fault," I sobbed.

Liam came to hug me at my side as I covered my face in disgrace.

"But I'm fine, Tia, really. I saw the cracks form earlier so I kept my eye on it. And then we got another quake and I took cover under the bed. By the time the third one came, I was safe. Just got hit by a few projectiles. The other scratches were just from how they got me out. I'll be healed by tomorrow."

"What were you doing in prison in the first place?"

"I uuh..."

"Don't fucking lie to me, Robert. Liam, what happened?"

I turned to look at him and he eyed between the two of us. He looked both guilty and shocked. I bucked my eyes and shook my head at him to urge him to speak.

"I uh, he went undercover."

"He did what?!"

"He told me he wanted to go into the prison. I couldn't refuse, he had a good plan. I told him I wouldn't lie to you if you asked, I would tell secrets, remember? And he told me to tell you Code Blue or something. It was all his idea!"

He explained the situation like a child in trouble and pointed his finger directly at Robert. Robert snorted and mumbled under his breath.


"I'm not a coward. I refuse to be the target of her wrath."

"You're whipped, Bro."


I looked up to Liam to see his face. I wanted to make sure he wasn't about to rip my brother's head off. The look on his face was just the opposite. He was shocked and...defeated. It made me laugh. Robert joined in on the laughter with a small chuckle. Liam looked thoroughly embarrassed and a little frustrated. He quickly changed the subject.

"Did you get any intel?"

"A little. The five of them were all they had. They didn't say anybody was pulling the strings but they wanted your throne. They came here to scope out the land and find weaknesses but got caught on their first attempt. Now they're all dead so I can't get anything else."

"That's impressive considering you were there for less than a day."

"I have my ways."

He smiled proudly.

"Not to be rude, but my pain meds are wearing off and it makes me tired. Plus, you two reek of each other! Guess that's why it took you guys so long to get in contact with."

He wiggled his brows. Liam smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"Take care of yourself, ok. I'll come see you tomorrow." I said.

"I'll be out of here by then. I'll see you at the house. By the way, that's a sweet place you got there, Alpha."

He pressed the button for the nurse as we said our final goodbyes.

Tyler, Will and Sam walked out with us. They had parked near the entrance and trailed us back to the house. Once we got in, I headed straight for the elevator. I needed a hot shower and a good night's rest. Liam stayed back to talk to the others so I went up alone. I stripped my clothes in the closet and walked into the bathroom. I turned on all hot water and a splash of cold. I waited for it to heat up, and stepped inside. I let the water cascade down my achy body. I was lost in the comfort of the beating droplets on my skin. I felt warm arms wrap around me and I jumped. I snapped open my eyes and turned around. A very naked Liam was smiling down at me.

"Dammit! What the hell?!"

"I came to join you."

"You need to wear a bell or something, You're like a freaking cat burglar. You scared the shit outta me!"

"Pay attention to your surroundings."

"I shouldn't have to while in the freaking shower."

"You owe me."

"What are you talking about? Owe you what?"

"I felt you cum while Brutus was at the door."


"Cat got your tongue?"


I had absolutely nothing to say. I was busted. I knew what he wanted and he would bewitch me to give it to him.

"Liam, I'm already really sore."

He leaned in and kissed my mark. I shuddered at the sensation. My body raised in goosebumps as he lapped his tongue around it and sucked it. I could feel myself getting wet so I tried pushing him away. He didn't budge. He pulled me closer and pressed his erection against my stomach.

"Stop, Liam. Don't do this."

"I heard 'do this Liam, don't stop'."

He swooped in deeper into my neck and bit my mark. I moaned against his collarbone and my mind went under his spell. I tried to resist his advances but to no avail. I felt him scoop me up and plant me against the wall. I was perfectly positioned on top of his erection. He held me up and placed himself at my entrance. When he bent his hips, he slid inside of me. I felt like I could cum right then. I was so sensitive and sore that the slightest friction was ten times as powerful. I moaned uncontrollably as he rocked himself in and out of me. The gentle glide gradually got faster. He would push me up with his thrusts and let the shower slide me back down onto his length. He was going so fast and I was getting so overwhelmed. I clenched my walls and stomach to hold back the pressure. I was about to climax again. He was like a drug that I couldn't get enough of. I didn't want to ever not be addicted to him. He slowed his pace and went harder, deeper into me. I left Earth. My senses went numb. My eyes opened and tears of pleasure streamed down my face. I couldn't comprehend. I knew I was gonna cum again if he kept at it. I snapped back to my thoughts to feel every inch of him drilling into me. It was any moment now. I yelled at the top of my lungs

"Can I cum?! I can't hold it! Oh shit, Liam!"

"Cum for me, Baby."

The magic words were spoken and a plethora of my juices flowed. I queefed out the remains as I screamed in ecstasy.

"Liam. Shit! I love you so fucking much."

He sped up to animalistic speeds as a growl left his lips. He ducked his head back to my mark and nipped it, hard. A second climax erupted and I lost all myself again. My brain went into overdrive as I let him completely destroy my body. He growled more and pumped harder until his pace finally slowed. It was over. I was dizzy as he set me back on my feet. He grabbed my face to look up to him.

"I love you too."

He placed a soft kiss on my lips.

The rest of the shower was a blur. I was so deep into a daze, I couldn't come out of it. I stumbled out of the shower, barely dried off, and went to bed. Naked. As soon as my head touched the pillow, I was out.

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