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She clearly remembered having her menstrual period during the past three months. Specifically, she remembered that at that time Aunt Lian had boiled two bowls of traditional Chinese medicine for her.

If she was really three months pregnant, how could she have had her period back then?

As she thought of this, Yu Duo sucked in a breath of cold air and looked up at the doctor who was currently talking to her about various matters she needed to pay attention to as a pregnant woman. Was this doctor a quack and misdiagnosed her?

So, in the end, the child is still not Fu Sinian’s?

The joy that had been rising in her like a flame was suddenly extinguished as if it had been doused by a basin of cold water until there was nothing left.

“What’s the matter?” Seeing the change in Yu Duo’s face, Fu Sinian suddenly asked in a low voice.

The doctor saw the situation, smiled, and said, “Actually Mr. Fu, this is what I planned to mention to you next. During pregnancy, the pregnant woman’s mood can be easily affected by the environment and it will tend to greatly fluctuate.”

Fu Sinian nodded.

By the time they left the hospital, the sun was beginning to set and, in order to avoid the exhaustion of travel, Fu Sinian decided that they would stay here for the night and return to S City the next day. Even until now, Fu Sinian never asked Yu Duo why she had been on that plane.

Similarly, as to why Fu Sinian had appeared on the plane, Yu Duo had her own tacit understanding.

That night her mind was very preoccupied and didn’t show hardly any of the joy she had shown earlier in the day when she first ‘found out’ about the pregnancy in the hospital.

“What’s the matter? Not happy about being a mother?”

Yu Duo wasn’t sure if maybe there was something in her eyes, or if the lights were just too dim at night, but when Fu Sinian put his arms around her and touched her belly, she thought that there was a gentleness she had never seen before in his eyes.

“No, I’m happy.” Just feeling a little guilty to make you feel happy to be a father.

Yu Duo sighed to herself.

Her current predicament was terrible, but she truly felt sorry to Fu Sinian.

Her mind wandered and she imagined the birth of the child, imagined Fu Sinian holding a child who looked seven or eight points similar to Ah Chi, imagined the ‘happy family of four, and Yu Duo couldn’t help but shudder.

She shook her head and forced herself to clear her thoughts. Since the dilemma that had been troubling her until now no longer existed, she could only take it one step at a time.



“Thank you.”

...the feelings of guilt seemed to be getting deeper.


The next day, the plane back to S City landed at one o’clock in the afternoon, and Yu Duo returned to the city that she had thought she would never go back to.

As she stepped off the plane, Yu Duo had mixed feelings.

In just one day, she had come back.

As soon as she returned to the villa, Auntie Lian bustled out, and as soon as she saw Yu Duo, she began questioning impatiently, “Oh, madam, where were you yesterday? Why didn’t you answer your phone? Did you know Ah Chi and I were going crazy with worry?! Sir? Didn’t you go to America? Why are you here with the madam?”

[✓]The Widow "Misses" Her Villainous Late HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now