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Being stared in the face by the words she had arrogantly sent out to Fu Sinian in the hospital, Yu Duo couldn’t really protest her innocence here.

Back then she had been behind the screen of her phone and talking to him from faraway on the internet, so the words that she had always kept at the bottom of her heart seemed to have courageously popped out in a way they never would have otherwise. Now, faced with those words, Yu Duo felt so guilty that she didn’t dare to even meet Fu Sinian’s eyes.

However, at the same time, the words Fu Sinian himself just said seemed to reverberate in Yu Duo’s mind.

He had just said that he was willing to work to get to know her, to respect her, to trust her, and that she could do whatever she wanted to do.

Was he being serious?

That was Yu Duo’s first thought upon hearing those words.

Was Fu Sinian really so patient?

Wait a moment... he had also said just now that she ‘didn’t have to pretend to be someone she wasn’t in front of him’, right? That was to say, Fu Sinian already knew everything.

He had actually seen through her from a long time ago, and he just didn’t say it outloud?

When did that happen?

Yu Duo suddenly felt nervous from the bottom of her heart.

Sure enough, she really should have trusted her woman’s initiation. Back during all those times when she felt that when Fu Sinian was looking at her, he was actually seeing right through her, it turned out that those feelings had been accurate and not just her delusions.

Suddenly feeling as if Fu Sinian had been watching her all this time like he was watching a clown jump around for his amusement, some of Yu Duo’s timidity was swept away, and she raised her eyes to glare at him.

Fu Sinian’s brows furrowed when he saw her glare, but he steadily met her gaze.

She didn’t know if it was her illusion, but as she thought that Fu Sinian had been seeing through her all this time and looking down on her, where was the supposed trust and respect?

As their eyes met, Yu Duo’s feelings of embarrassment and anger caused her courage to well up, and she asked quietly, “Since when did you know?”

Fu Sinian watched her face closely, trying to see whether Yu Duo would be enraged by his answer. He hesitated, but eventually he replied tersely, “Since I came back.”

Yu Dou silently guessed that maybe some of the things she had done secretly during Fu Sinian’s disappearance had somehow been found out by him.

It was her own carelessness.

She shouldn’t have been so indulgent.

Understanding a bit now, Yu Duo felt even more nervous.

Fu Sinian saw that Yu Duo’s fingers were unconsciously grasping the door frame and understood that she was feeling very nervous, or even afraid, from her little subconscious movements. He raised his hand to make a calming gesture but the motion startled Yu Duo and she took a small step back while at the same time putting on a very vigilant expression.

His raised hand froze in mid-air, and Fu Sinian said helplessly, “What are you so nervous about?”

With hindsight, Yu Duo realized that she had clearly overreacted, so she just gave an empty laugh to smooth things over and replied, “It’s nothing.”

Realizing just how great Yu Duo’s subconscious fear of him was, Fu Sinian’s expression turned serious and earnest, and he said, “Let’s talk.”


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