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The project was a major government project, so it was an important event and all the local TV networks all dedicated some time to cover it. In the end, even the people from the Yu family ended up watching the proceedings.

“It seems that the Fu Group managed to secure the project, with this, there’s no doubt that the Fu Group will grow to be even more dominant in the future.” Yu Guohui couldn’t help but sigh as he watched.

Mrs. Yu just glanced indifferently at the ceremony on the TV and didn’t care too much, “Anyway, it’s a good thing that article turned out to be fake. If it had been true, I definitely wouldn’t have spared that Fu Sinian!”

In fact, Mrs. Yu had always kept the fact that Yu Duo and Fu Sinian’s relationship had sprouted from a single accidental night together firmly in mind, and she had always disliked Fu Sinian because of it. Over the years, she had developed a habit of picking at Fu Sinian’s faults, even if no faults existed, so who knows what she might have done if what was written in that article had turned out to be true.

“Madam, a Mr. Yu Yang, had arrived.”

“Don’t let him in. Just say I’m not...” But before she could even say the word ‘here’, Yu Yang strode into the room with eager eyes and a serious expression.

Yu Duo sighed in her heart. It seemed there would be some troubles.

Mrs. Yu briefly glanced at Yu Duo before hurriedly getting up and smiling at Yu Yang, “Yu Yang, what’s the occasion that you decided to come visit your auntie here today?”

“Uncle, aunt, I’m sorry to come over to visit without calling beforehand,” Yu Yang was nominally speaking to her parents, but his eyes were fixed on Yu Duo. “I have something to say to Yu Duo.”

“Yu Yang, auntie knows what you want to say, but Duoduo is already pregnant now, so she can’t stand too much excitement. Please think for Duoduo’s sake, okay? No matter what you need to say, you can still talk about it later.”

However, Yu Yang didn’t move an inch.

Yu Duo sighed, “Mom, it’s alright, I can just talk casually with him for a bit.”

“Alright... then you guys talk.”

With that, Mrs. Yu took Yu Guohui and left the room.

Now, there was only Yu Duo and Yu Yang left in the living room.

For a moment, neither of them spoke.

Eventually, Yu Yang couldn’t stand the silence and he asked, “That thing... is it true or false?”

“What thing are you talking about?”

“I mean that article circulating online that talks about that night three years ago and what happened between you and Fu Sinian...”

“It’s all fake.” Yu Duo met his eyes steadily, before sighing and continuing,”It’s already been refuted.”

In fact, Yu Duo already knew in her heart why Yu Yang had come here, but after telling him that she felt she really didn’t have much more to say. However, after thinking about it for a moment, she decided to say a few more words to try to preempt Yu Yang and maybe let him let go of the feelings he had been clinging to these past years.

“If you came here because you wanted to talk about what happened back on that night, then you needn’t have bothered. Back then when you chose to go abroad after the incident, you made it clear that there would no longer be any need for us to talk about who was right and who was wrong between us anymore. You were my boyfriend back then, and I experienced something terrible, but not only did you never show up to comfort me, instead you silently went abroad without saying a word. There’s really nothing else to say. I understand that perhaps it’s normal for you to dislike me after something like that happened, I’m not naive, and I know that this kind of thing is unacceptable for any man. However, in my eyes, your cowardly behavior only made me feel that you were even more abominable than Fu Sinian!”

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