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Yu Duo casually exchanged a few more perfunctory words with Fu Sinian’s uncle until they both heard the sound of a vehicle arriving from outside the villa.

A moment later, Fu Sinian strode in from outside. He looked the same as he always did, without anything particularly unusual.

Yu Duo stood up from the sofa and looked at Fu Sinian slightly uneasily. She nervously clasped her hands together behind her back.

Fu Sinian walked into the living room and stood there on his long legs, looking back at her. He looked impeccable as always, his shirt, tie, vest, trousers and black leather shoes were all meticulously clean and spotlessly arranged, and he had taken of his suit jacket and casually hung it over one of his arms.

“You... you’re back? ” Yu Duo had originally wanted to speak confidently and in a righteous tone, but what came out sounded a bit weak and guilty.

She didn’t know what she was feeling guilty about though.

“Your uncle came, he said he wanted to talk to you about something.”

Fu Sinian’s cold eyes were fixed on her face, but they eventually slid down to her lower abdomen and softened considerably.

On the side, uncle also stood up with the help of his cane and took a few trembling steps toward Fu Sinian with tearful eyes that were full of ‘love’, “Sinian, you’re back?”

It was only then that Fu Sinian turned his eyes and seemed to notice his uncle there. His brows furrowed lightly, but he still went over to the sofa, set his suit coat down, and sat down opposite of his uncle.

“Uncle, what a surprise to see you here today. What can I do for you?”

His expression and tone seemed the same as they always were, and Yu Duo, who was sitting beside Fu Sinian, really couldn’t guess what he was thinking at all.

Uncle seemed very gratified that Sinian had asked after him. Tears well in his eyes and he said, “I came here today mainly to see you. You were missing for a few months already, you must have suffered a lot outside, right?” He looked at Fu Sinian carefully before sighing and continuing, “I see you’ve lost a lot of weight. You need to take good care of yourself for the next while.”

Uncle’s face was kind and full of affection, to the point that people who didn’t know anything would really believe that there was deep affection between him and his nephew.

However, Fu Sinian didn’t seem to buy it. He wore his usual expression, cold and icy like someone owed him a million dollars.

“I see. Did uncle have anything else you wanted to say?”

His tone was so cold that even Yu Duo felt a bit embarrassed for this uncle.

Although Fu Sinian had never been particularly affectionate to his uncle in the past, he had always at least treated him as a relative, and had even regularly given him money. However, the coldness in his eyes now was very obvious, and it was only thanks to his uncle’s thick skin that he could still act calm like nothing was wrong.

“Actually, about last time Sinian, uncle always wanted to explain that matter to you. You should know your uncle’s character, I would never dare to covet your assets in my lifetime!” Uncle began to get worked up as he reached this point, “It was all because that woman, Qiao Jiao, deceived me! Only after the police explained everything to me did I realized that this whole matter was done by Qiao Jiao. Back then, she came to me and said that you had left 30% of your assets to me in your will and, of course I didn’t believe it at first, but then Qiao Jiao brought out a lawyer who showed me a lot of evidence saying that it was true and that the will was real. Sinian, you have to believe me, uncle was just deceived by Qiao Jiao! I never intended to scheme against you!”

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