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As soon as Yu Guohui and Mrs. Yu left, Fu Sinian asked casually, “What did you talk about with your mother that made you so happy?”

“We didn’t talk about anything important, just some things at home.” However, Yu Duo thought of what her mother had just told her and, and a moment of contemplation she asked Fu Sinian, “Can I get a cat?”

“A cat?” Fu Sinian frowned and looked reluctant. But, in the end, Yu Duo was pregnant and he didn’t quite have the heart to deny her.

“Can’t I?”

Fu Sinian could only nod helplessly when facing Yu Duo’s expectant eyes.

Not long after that, Yu Duo received the cat that Fu Sinian had asked Ah Chi to deliver.

It was a small and beautiful three-month-old kitten, with snowy-white fur, pretty blue eyes, and a small milky voice. Yu Duo liked it very much and immediately held it in her arms, where she found that it was also very well behaved on top of being beautiful. It just lay motionlessly in her arms and let her pat it as she liked.

“Sister-in-law, disregarding that kittens are playful and don’t like to be held, you really shouldn’t hold it all the time because it’s not good for the child.”

Yu Duo looked up and smiled brightly before saying, “En, I understand. Thank you for bringing her to me.”

“Then will you give it a name?”

Yu Duo stroked the kitten’s soft fur and smiled strangely, “Let’s wait until your Big Brother comes back.”

When Fu Sinian came back later that evening and saw Yu Duo and Aunt Lian frolicking around the cat, he couldn’t help but say, “Auntie Lian, Duoduo is pregnant now and our family has added a cat so, in the future, you will have to pay more attention to hygiene.”

Aunt Lian actually liked the cat very much, so she immediately smiled and said, “Of course, you don’t have to worry sir.”

Fu Sinian walked over and gently brushed his hand across his fur before retracting his hand unhappily. Somehow he couldn’t shake the feeling that the little beast was dirty, and his brows were deeply furrowed.

However, Yu Duo happily hugged the little kitten and played with her small pink paws for a moment, before turning to Fu Sinian with a smile and saying, “Sinian, why don’t you give her a name?”

“You name her.”

“I should name her? Remember, you were the one who asked me to name her, okay?” Yu Duo flashed a cunning smile and, after a moment of thought, said, “We can just call her Si Si.”

“Si Si?”

“If you don’t like the name, maybe you will get used to it after a year or two?”

“Si Si...? ” Fu Sinian finally understood she was making a joke and glanced at Yu Duo.

“I was just kidding,” Yu Duo thought carefully again before saying. “Then let’s call her Duoduo, isn’t that better?”

Duoduo, Duoduo*.

Very similar.

Anyway, it was just a name for a kitten, so Fu Sinian didn’t think much of it and he just nodded along.

Yu Duo was three months pregnant but, until now, her belly still wasn’t very big and it was still fairly easy for her to move around but, for now, all she could do was stay home and look after the fetus. But Fu Sinian was always at work, and Aunt Lian was often busy, so Duoduo’s arrival was actually very welcome, because she helped to drive away some of the loneliness and boredom.

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