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After hanging up the phone, Yu Duo waved in Ah Chi’s direction and called, “Ah Chi!”

Meanwhile, Ah Chi had been walking with his head down and talking to his assistant about work matters when he suddenly heard a familiar voice call his name. He steps unconsciously slowed and he looked up in the direction the voice came from only to see someone he hadn’t seen in a long time, his sister-in-law, who was standing there waving to him.

Then, disregarding his confused assistant and ignoring the fact that there were a lot of people around, Ah Chi quickly and directly walked over to Yu Duo.

The girls at the front desk saw him coming and busily stood up while greeting, “Vice President Chi.”

But Ah Chi ignored them and said, “Sister-in-law, what are you doing here?”

Yu Duo flashed the bento box she was carrying and said, “I came to deliver lunch for Sinian, but even until now I still haven’t seen him. It seems he’s still out working even at lunchtime... tell me honestly, has he been too busy with his work and forgetting to eat properly these days?”

Ah Chi was about to say something in response, Yu Duo just kept on grumbling, “I’ve already told him many times that he should go home and properly rest these days while I’m not around because of my pregnancy and even told Auntie Lian to stew him nourishing soup for his stomach, but it seems that he’s been ignoring me. I really don’t know how to persuade him.”

The girls at the front desk all began exchanging nervous glances while secretly looking over at Yu Duo, worried and wondering if she had overheard what they had been saying just now.

“Well...” Ah Chi started again.

But Yu Duo cut him off once more, really not letting him get a word in, “Anyway, take me up to Sinian’s office for now, I guess I’ll just go and wait for him there.”

“Alright, sister-in-law, come this way.”

Suddenly, Yu Duo looked back at the girls at the front desk and spoke with a gentle smile, “It might be better not to believe every random thing some person in prison says, don’t you think?”

The girls at the desk all looked uncomfortable, one of them nodded awkwardly and replied, “You’re right, I don’t believe what that woman says at all.”

Some other nearby staff members had also noticed the small commotion so by now many sidelong glances and hushed whispers were suddenly being directed at Yu Duo, and one particularly industrious individual had even quietly taken out their phone as if to snap a picture. Ah Chi noticed what was going on and was about to yell to put a stop to it, but Yu Duo raised a hand and stopped him.

She quietly winked at Ah Chi and whispered, “It doesn’t matter.”

In fact, the bigger the fuss that was made, the better, as far as she was concerned. It would be best if this scene could be seen by everyone.

After that, Ah Chi took her up to Fu Sinian’s office. This was actually the first time that Yu Duo had come to her husband’s office and, after looking around curiously for a while, she set down the bento box on a table that seemed to be for serving tea to guests before sitting on a nearby sofa to wait for Fu Sinian to come back.

“Sister-in-law, would you like something to drink? I’ll go get it for you.”

“I’m fine,” Yu Duo replied. “I know that the company has been very busy lately, so you don’t have to stay here and take care of me. Go ahead and go do what you need to do.”

Actually, there was still something very uncomfortable between her and Ah Chi and, although they had a tacit understanding not to mention it anymore, it wasn’t like they could just pretend that nothing had happened.

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