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Fu Sinian lowered his head and slowly fiddled with the ring on his ring finger, his face heavy and silent, as if he was deep in thought.

He seemed calm, but his emotions might be raging.

Yu Duo really didn’t know what Fu Sinian was thinking of right now.

But as he sat there silently, Yu Duo got more and more restless. Eventually, she slowly got up and began to retreat from the room step by step. As she backed away, she said, “Let’s finish talking about this another day. You should prepare the divorce papers when you have time...” She stopped and changed her words, “You should prepare the divorce papers as soon as possible. Anyway, I’m tired, if there’s nothing else... I’ll go back to my room first.”

Yu Duo turned around and headed to the door.

Fu Sinian quietly watched her retreating back, and then he suddenly stood up, “Wait a moment.”

Yu Duo’s feet paused, she fixed an uncomfortable smile onto her face and looked back, “Was there anything else?”

“Are you sure you want to get a divorce?”

“...I’m sure.”

Fu Sinian slowly approached her, “Don’t you need more time to think about it?”

“I’ve been thinking about it for a long time.”

Fu Sinian’s reply was concise and resolute, “I don’t agree.”

“You just said you would respect me, but now you’re unilaterally...” Yu Duo suddenly remembered something. There was still the matter with Fu Sinian’s company. So she changed her words, “If it’s because of that Top Ten Outstanding Young Businessmen Award you’ve recently been fighting for, I can cooperate with you to some extent. We can wait until the timing is better to get divorced.”

But then Fu Sinian suddenly cut in, “I am worth 20 billion yuan.”

“?” Yu Duo looked at him with puzzled eyes.

By now, Fu Sinian had backed her into the corner, and his deep eyes were staring down at her from a very short distance. In this situation, Yu Duo’s eyes skittered around nervously, as if she wasn’t sure where to put her own eyes.

“A man who is worth 20 billion and is handsome and successful, are you sure you don’t want him?”


Fu Sinian was a man with broad shoulders and a large frame, so when he stood in front of Yu Duo like this she was completely enveloped in his shadow.

Yu Duo’s heart beat wildly and she looked up at Fu Sinian with eyes that were filled with shock and a trace of disbelief. Her hand that was on the doorknob slackened unconsciously and her mind was thrown into chaos, wondering if maybe she was hearing things.

...had Fu Sinian really said those words?


“What about me? Aren’t those your words? Worth 20 billion yuan, handsome, with a successful career? Do you think you will be able to find another man even half as excellent?”

...speaking of this, Yu Duo felt that Yu Yang was also pretty good. He was handsome, didn’t have any entanglements since he recently returned from studying abroad, had a mild personality and, although the Yu family wasn’t as powerful as Fu Sinian, they were still considered to be one of the top families. So it wasn’t like it would be impossible to find another man as good as Fu Sinian, right?

Of course, Yu Duo could only say those words in her heart.

“If I promise you that I will do my best to respect and trust you from here on, and I promise to try to learn to be a qualified husband and properly assume the responsibilities of a ‘husband’, will you give up the idea of divorce for now?”

[✓]The Widow "Misses" Her Villainous Late HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now