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Meanwhile, Yu Duo had finished yet another examination and was waiting for the results.

This time she had come to a private hospital where the hospital director and her mother had some friendship. Because of that, Yu Duo had been able to get in and out very quickly and she was accompanied by an obstetrician and a gynaecologist to answer her questions after her examination.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yu Duo took out the examination results that diagnosed her as three months pregnant from the other hospital.

“Doctor, would you please take a look at these examination results for me? Are they accurate or not?”

The doctor took the report and examined it carefully. After reading it, his brows furrowed and he asked. “Mrs. Fu, is this report yours?”

“No, it belongs to a friend of mine,” Yu Duo casually invented a friend out of nothing. “She isn’t feeling well today but when she heard that I was going to the hospital for a checkup, she asked me to show the doctor I saw that report. What’s the matter? Is there some problem with it?”

The doctor pointed out several bits of data on the report and said, “This report concludes that your friend is three months pregnant, but judging from these values in the data, there might be some sort of error in the result.”

Yu Duo felt shocked in her heart, but she stayed calm and asked, “Error? What kind of error?”

“Well...” For the sake of caution, the doctor examined the report again, “The number of months of pregnancy seems incorrect, however, I’m not too sure. You should ask your friend to come to our hospital for a thorough examination and we can make a proper diagnosis.”

Yu Duo’s heart turned chilly when she heard those words.

It turned out that it was the hospital that Fu Sinian took her to that had misdiagnosed her.

She had thought she had dodged the bullet, but in reality, she was still doomed.

What was the use of acting like things were fine now? Once the baby was born, it would definitely be found out sooner or later.

What’s more, Fu Sinian had seemed very happy about her pregnancy recently. But now when she thought of his smile, Yu Duo could only feel guilty.

After all, it wasn’t his child that she was pregnant with.

“Mrs. Fu, is something the matter?”

“It’s nothing, I just...” ...feel guilty.

Although she still didn’t know how this kid came to be.

“Have you told your parents about your pregnancy yet?”

“No, not yet.”

“You should tell them soon. Your parents will be very happy to learn about such a joyous event.”

“But Mr. Fu knows, right?”

Yu Duo smiled thinly but didn’t reply.

“Then you should surprise Mr. Fu with the good news.”

“I... I don’t know how to tell him yet.” ...don’t know how to tell him the baby isn’t his.

Ever since Fu Sinian had come out and caught her at the airport the day before yesterday, Yu Duo had just felt tired and resigned to her fate. Fu Sinian seemed to be able to control her every move, and she felt completely unable to escape from the palm of his hand.

“It doesn’t matter how you tell him. After all, the most important thing between a husband and wife is honesty. Really, all you have to do is say ‘Mr. Fu, I’m pregnant.’ and I’m sure he’ll be so happy that he’ll come and pick you up right away.”

[✓]The Widow "Misses" Her Villainous Late HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now