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Yu Duo looked down at the chat interface that was open with Fu Sinian. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at the large paragraph that she had already sent.

It seemed there would be a showdown.

A showdown between her and Fu Sinian!

She had never expected to accidentally prompt a dramatic showdown between her and Fu Sinian like this.

Of course, she had known she would probably have to have a showdown with Fu Sinian one day. But the showdown she had imagined happened after she learned for certain that the child in her belly was not his. After all, she couldn’t just let Fu Sinian raise another man’s child, right?

Now, it seemed that her brain had been running a bit too hot and she had been too impulsive, even composing such a long message before she even got the results from her doctor.

Yu Duo regretted. As she looked down at the words on her phone, she regretted so much that she felt her intestines were turning blue.

The message clearly said some damning things. Things like: ‘I don’t love you’, ‘Let’s get a divorce’ and so on... and it already couldn’t be withdrawn!

How was she supposed to explain this to Fu Sinian?

“Mrs. Fu? Mrs. Fu?”

Yu Duo suddenly returned to her senses and looked up blankly at Dr. Chen. “Doctor, are you really sure I’m three months pregnant? If that’s true, then why did you say there was something wrong with the examination results I showed you just now? “

She pointed to the examination results that she had just shown to Dr. Chen and that Dr. Chen had said had many flaws in the data and said, “These results are mine too.”

Dr. Chen smiled awkwardly as he glanced at the examination results Yu Duo was talking about. Eventually, he squinted nervously and directly began to lie, “Well... in fact, we shouldn’t generalize. Each case needs to be analyzed on an individual basis. Maybe there were errors caused by the instruments used, it’s hard to say. At any rate, you should know the standards of our hospital since our dean has some friendship with your mother, so take a look at our results. They clearly show that you are three months pregnant. If you have any other questions about the results...”

“No, no questions.” Yu Duo sighed and left the hospital with a heavy heart.

She had been diagnosed as three months pregnant, which meant that the baby in her belly was really Fu Sinian’s.

At the same time, on her phone, she didn’t know if Fu Sinian was too busy to read her message or if he was just thinking about how to deal with her, but either way, he still hadn’t given any reply.

What was there to say at this point?

Yu Duo reluctantly opened Wechat again.

Looking at the message that she had sent she felt awkward to the point that she could hardly bear to look at her phone.

How was she supposed to explain this?

–Were you very surprised by my joke just now?

–Husband, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.

–Someone put a gun to my head and forced me to write that message!

–Husband, my phone was stolen. Don’t believe any messages that were sent today. By the way, I love you so much.

–Husband, the baby is actually yours, I just misunderstood and thought that I was misdiagnosed by the hospital. I said I didn’t love you because...

Yu Duo wrote and then deleted words into the input field again and again.

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