The duet

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I woke up this morning with a text on my phone from Chris asking if I could head over to the studio a little earlier today. I wasn't sure why but I told him it was no problem. I usually head over there at 1pm and it was already 11:07am so I got up so I could get ready. I took a fast shower, put some clothes on, brushed my teeth, etc. and headed out by 11:48am.

"Hey Gabby" Chris said as I walked into the studio.

"Hey Chris" I said back in a tired voice.

"Sorry I asked you to come in earlier today, I just need some extra help practicing this duet you've been working on for me" he said apologetically.

"It's okay, honestly ever since I've gotten out of high school I've been sleeping in way to late so I kinda needed to wake up earlier"

The duet that I wrote for him is called "You Can Come To Me" and I think it's gonna be amazing for him to perform. The hardest part is always finding a female lead to sing it with him.

"So have you thought of anybody that you want to sing this with?" I ask him.

"umm... actually the real reason I asked you to come early was to tell you that I want... you to sing the duet with me" he replied.

I was in shock when he asked me this. I have written songs my whole life but not once have I sang one of them. "Chris idk..."

"Come on Gabriella... please. I've heard you sing it every time you've practiced with me. You have an amazing voice and I'm seriously surprised you don't write songs for yourself to sing."


"Yes Gabs. Please please please." He said begging.

"Okay I will!" I said getting kinda excited.

"oh one last thing" he said. " I want you to perform it with me at Fridays concert" I was speechless. I'd never performed live before, only small little performances in my bedroom mirror.

"umm okay yeah!" I said kinda nervously but again, kinda excited.

We practiced some more until finally we perfected it. It sounded great and I was excited.


I was so excited for Gabriella to be performing with me on Friday. I was also excited because my brothers would be going to this concert and she would finally be able to meet them. I don't know why she's never met them before, I mean she's been my songwriter for a whole year now. But she's never been over to my house. I've only been over to hers to work on music.

Matt picked me up from the Studio and we drove home. I waited to tell him the news til we got home so I could tell him and Nick at the same time. They've been wanting to meet her for a while.

We finally arrived at home and I called for Nick to come downstairs.

"Nick come down!" I yelled.

"Was that fucking necessary? I was half asleep Chris?!"

"Shut the fuck up and listen, so you know my songwriter Gabriella right?"

"You've talked about her before yes" Matt said.

"So she has an amazing voice and I asked her to sing her newest duet she wrote with me! And she'll be performing it with me on Friday." I said out of breath because I was so excited.

"So we'll finally get to meet her??" Nick asked looking a little less annoyed.

"Yes you will" I replied.

THE MUSIC IN ME ♬ ~ A Matt Sturniolo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now