Party troubles

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I woke up around 11:30am and decided to actually get out of bed at 12pm. When I got up I went to the kitchen.

"Hey Gabby!" Nick yelled "you excited for the party today?"

"Yeah I am! A little nervous too but mostly excited"

"Don't worry, I'll be by your side the entire time! Do you know what you're gonna wear yet?"

"No I don't think I have anything for that kind of party"

"We should definitely go shopping"

"Yes that would be so fun Nick! What time is the party at anyway?"

"It starts at 7"

"Oh okay so we have time then"

"Yep! And be prepared to sing, he might have open mic" he said winking.

"Okay! Well I'm gonna get something to eat and then go back in my room to finish the last of my song I'm writing, if Elmer does have open mic then I'll probably perform it if it's done on time."

"Okay, so shopping at 2?"

"Sounds good"

I made myself a bowl of cereal and went up to my room to finish my song.

It was about 1: 22pm when I finished my song and I got ready to go shopping with Nick.

We went shopping at about 2:30pm and found Nick an amazing outfit and me a great but simple dress.

We went shopping at about 2:30pm and found Nick an amazing outfit and me a great but simple dress

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The dress ^^^

We drove home and just hung around for a bit until it was time to get ready.

Nick came into my room and we got ready together in there. I did my makeup and he helped me with my hair. It was 6:20pm when we got done getting ready and we had 10 minutes till we needed to leave.

Ten minutes had passed and me and Nick walked out to meet the other boys in the living room.


Me and Chris were in the living room after getting ready waiting for Nick and Gabriella. Nick walked out first and behind him...Gabby.
She looked amazing. I couldn't stop staring at her. I'd started feeling nervous now. No one has ever made me feel this way before.

"WOW GABBY YOU LOOK HOT!" Chris said hugging her.

"DOESNT SHEEEE?!!" Nick said laughing.

"Yeah...she does" I said kinda quietly.

"Thanks guys, you all look amazing as well"

We walked outside and I drove all of us in the minivan.

When we got to the party we all introduced Gabriella to Elmer and just hung out for a while. When it was time to do open mic Gabriella decided to sing her new song she's been working on.

THE MUSIC IN ME ♬ ~ A Matt Sturniolo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now