Gabby and the Triplet's Bday Present

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1 week later



I had been living back at the boys house for a week now and my mental health has gotten a lot better since. Me and Matt had been getting closer then we ever have and I was really happy. It was the boys' birthday this weekend and I really wanted to throw a party.

We were all relaxing in the living room watching Stranger Things. I was laying next to Matt and Chris and Nick were sitting on a couch together.

"We are throwing a party this weekend for you're birthday right?" I asked them.

"Actually gabby, we've been planning something since your birthday is this month also. It's like a group thing." Chris answered.

"Umm okay...can I know?" I exclaimed.

He stood up and walked over to Matt and I.

"Matt you wanna tell her?" Chris said looking at Matt.

"Gabby...we are taking a trip to LA" Matt said

"No fucking way! That's awesome!" I yelled. "When are we leaving??"

"We are leaving tomorrow!" Nick yelled.

"Yayyyy I'm so excited!" I continued to scream back.


2 hours later~

I was up in my room when Chris walked in.

"Hey bro, have you told her where we are staying yet?" He asked

"No I haven't. I just don't know how she'll take it. I don't want her to think it's weird and I definitely don't want it to affect our relationship." I answered.

We were going to LA but I haven't told her where we will be staying. We don't have a place there yet so we asked an old friend if we could crash there for the weekend. By old friend I mean my ex girlfriend. Yeah she cheated on me and really really hurt me but I like Gabby now so I don't even care about what happened. I'm not gonna dwell on my past and forget to live my life. I've gotta learn how to let go of grudges somehow. But trust me. Living with her for a weekend was not what I wanted. It was Nicks idea even though he despises her. For some reason he thought it would be good for me to talk to her again so that we can get back in good terms and fill "the void inside". He really does think he's my therapist.

"You should probably tell her soon you know. About Victoria." Chris told me.

"Yeah I know. I will right now I guess." I said nervously. I really don't want to make her feel weird about going to LA. I mean it's not just for our birthdays, it's for hers too and I don't wanna ruin it.

I knocked on her bedroom door but she had her music blasting as always so she couldn't hear me knocking. After a while I decided just to walk in.

I opened the door and she had a hairbrush that she was using as a microphone in her hand while she was dancing and singing with her eyes closed. I just stood there and watched her for a second until eventually she noticed me standing there.

"Holy fuck Matt. You scared the shit outta me!" She screamed.

"Sorry I just didn't want to interrupt whatever...that...was" I said laughing. She came over and gave me a small punch in the arm while her face turned red of embarrassment.

"What do you want?" She asked me while giggling a little.

"I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Oh okay" she said while walking to her bed and sitting down.

I followed and sat next to her. "So um... we're going to LA."

THE MUSIC IN ME ♬ ~ A Matt Sturniolo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now