Moving in

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We went and got McDonald's and then parked at CVS.

"Okay our friend Gabriella is here with us for our video today!" Nick exclaimed.

We talked about all of our top 3s and when we got toward the end of the video Matt yelled at Nick to stop talking so he could surprise us with something.

"Okay now that Nick's done talking, me and Chris have a little surprise for Nick and Gabs and it's news for you fans as well." There was a dramatic pause after he said that.

" Gabby... we want you to permanently move in with us until your mom gets home. We have a spare room that you can stay in and our mom already said yes." He said looking back at me.

"WHAT?!" I said in shock.

"Oh my fuck! Gabby you have to!" Nick yelled.

"OF COURSE I WILL!" I said almost crying again. Matt had the biggest grin on his face that I've ever seen. I was so happy. I wouldn't have to sleep by myself at home anymore.

We wrapped up the car video, ending with Matt screaming in the camera. Chris and Nick went inside a gas station near by to get some snacks for tomorrow. "Matt, tell me more about you. I've told you some about me, now it's your turn." I said not really thinking. I think I just wanted to start a conversation with him.

"Only if you come sit in the front. I don't wanna have to turn around." Slick Matt. I went and sat in the passenger seat.

"Okay umm... I don't really know what to tell you honestly, I mean...I have social anxiety and anxiety. That's all I can think of"

"I didn't know that. I mean I guess it makes sense since you're the most quiet out of your brothers."

"Yeah I hate it, people always tend to like them more because they are super energetic and more social then me. I wish I could be like that."

"I like the way you are Matt. You're kinda mysterious, like you never know what's gonna come next from you."

"Thank you Gabs"

"Ofc Matty B"

Chris and Nick came running back out and when they noticed I was in the passenger seat they both gave each other a look.


I ran out of the gas station with Chris and saw Gabriella sitting in the passenger seat. I looked at Chris with a grin and I knew what we were both thinking. "We need to get Gabby and Matt together" I whispered to Chris before getting in the car.

"I agree" he whispered back.

We dropped off Gabriella at her house so that she could grab all the stuff she needed and so she could get her car. I was so excited that she was going to be staying with us. It's the perfect opportunity to get her and Matt together. She was one of my best friends now and I could tell that she has a thing for Matt. After we dropped her off we drove home.

When we got home Chris tried to talk to Matt about Gabby. "Matt what do you think about Gabriella?" Chris asked him.

"Um...I'm going to bed goodnight." He answered.

"I think she's pretty, what do you think Matt?" I added just to mess with him but also wanting him to answer.

"Goodnight" Matt said walking in his room rolling his eyes.

"We'll get there at some point" Chris said shrugging his shoulders.

Gabriella arrived about an hour later and it was around 2:30am. Me and Chris greeted her at the door but we could see her eyes wondering slightly like she was looking for someone.

THE MUSIC IN ME ♬ ~ A Matt Sturniolo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now