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It was 4:30am and I had woken up to get ready and drive to the airport. I was crazy nervous. What if she doesn't believe me? I love her and I can't loose her. I had my text all typed out but I just haven't sent it yet obviously. I was supposed to wait until I got closer. I was in the bathroom and when I finished I walked out to see Chris waiting there for me.

"Hey Matt!" He said all smiley and LOUD.

"Hey I know you're excited but could you take the volume down a few notches?!"

"No way bro! YOURE GOING TO SEE GABBY!Fuhget about it!"

There it is. His little catch phrase he loves to say.

"I know Chris and I'm very excited and nervous but it's really early so let's pipe down."

"Fine. Do you have all your stuff?"

"Yep" I held up my small bag and Chick-Fil-A cup from a couple nights ago. I was using it as my water bottle even though they'll make me throw it away on the plane.

"Okay well it's probably time for you to leave."

"I'm well aware thank you." We walked to the door and he hugged me goodbye.

"Thank you Chris"

"Ofc brotha, love ya"

"Love you too"

I walked out the door and that's when it all became real. I was about to go on a plane to fly to Gabby and hopefully bring her back to me. Unbelievable.

I arrived at the airport and they later called my flight. Just like I thought, they made me throw my Chick-Fil-A cup away.

I took my seat. I'd never in my life been on a plane by myself. I was nervous as hell and couldn't stop fidgeting with my hands. Man I really did pick up some bad habits from Gabby.


I was on my way to her house in the rental car. Everything happened so fast this morning I still couldn't believe I was in LA. I was about 15 minutes away when I finally sent the text. Soon after I sent it I sent the song.


My one day off. FINALLY. I got a break. I was so tired of this honestly. I was laying on the couch when I got a text from Matt. I didn't look at it right away. I was too scared but eventually I worked up the nerve.


Hey Gabby. I really
need to tell you something
and I am hoping that
you'll believe me. I've put
some things together and
realized that you saw Victoria
kissing me. I really want you to
know that that was all that
was. I never ever kissed
her back. She practically
jumped on me and I can
promise you that I pushed
her right back off. I
explained to her that I
don't see her that way
and that I don't even
want too see her as
friends at this point. She
got mad and stormed
off. You must not have
stuck around long enough
to see that part. I just want
you to know that I would
never ever do something
like that to you. Because
if I'm being honest, I've
never loved someone so
much. Gabby you have
been the only thing on
my mind for the past 2
months and I seriously don't
know how much longer
I can go without seeing you.
When you came into my
life, everything changed.
I want to be with you everyday .
I don't know if you still
feel the same way but
Gabby I love you and I've never
been so sure about something in
my whole life.

I wrote this song for Chris to
sing. It's another one about
you and Chris recorded it
last minute last night so that
I could send it today

THE MUSIC IN ME ♬ ~ A Matt Sturniolo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now