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I woke up to the sound of a guitar. I looked around to find Chris playing something I'd never heard before.

"What's that you're playing?" I asked him curiously. He immediately stopped and said it was nothing. He walked upstairs not saying anything else.

"GOOD MORNING GABS!" Nick said yelling once again.

"Good morning Nick" I said laughing. We all got up and Chris made French toast for us to eat.

    After we ate I figured I should probably go back to my house. "I think I should probably head home. I've gotta keep working on your new album Chris."

" Man okay bye Gabs" Chris said.

"Bye guys".

    I was so excited for this album. This was the hardest I'd ever worked for one of Chris's albums before and I think it's gonna be one of the best.


   I was so excited for this album. Mostly because I was going to be surprising Gabby with a song I've been writing. I'm not normally good at songwriting and it's really not my thing but Gabriella gave me inspiration and I wanted to do something special for my best friend. The album comes out next Friday and it's Saturday so I've only got a week and need to hurry up.



                                                           Hey Gabby!

Hey Chrissy

Wanna spend the
night tonight and then
listen to the album tmr
before it drops??

Yes of course!

Okay we'll pick you up
in 20

Okay see you then

We went to pick her up then stopped and got McDonald's after. Nick ordering from the backseat pure usual. Matt has social anxiety so he doesn't like to order his own food very often. Neither does Gabby.

"Omg... can we please play never have I ever?!" Nick asked after he finished uploading today's YouTube video .

"I'm down" gabby replied with both me and Matt agreeing.

"Okay I'll go first" nick suggested. " Never have I ever been cheated on" Gabby and Matt both put a finger down.

"Matt you've been cheated on?" Gabby asked in a shocked tone.

" uh...yeah my ex girlfriend cheated on me when we went to LA and then she moved there last year."

"Oh I didn't know that, thats low" she answered.

"Okay my turn" I said. "Never have I ever been hungover" Gabs put her finger down.

"WHAT?" Nick screamed.

"I told Matt this already but after my brother died I was in a bad place. I did things I shouldn't have. I went to a lot of parties and I was only 14. I had a lot of older friends that would bring me to parties and told me drinking would help. But all it ever did was make me feel like shit the day after ."

"We learn more about you everyday girl" Nick said laughing. "but on a serious note I'm sorry. You should never have to go through shit like that." We continued to play never have I ever and all learned a bit more about each other.

THE MUSIC IN ME ♬ ~ A Matt Sturniolo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now