Birthday Surprise

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We sat down at our table and we were finding what to order. I sat next to Matt on one side with Nick across from me and Chris across from Matt. Me and Nick were sitting against the wall and Matt and Chris were on the outside of the booth.

"Nick can you order for me?" I asked

"Yeah of course I can" he replied

"Ok thank you so much, you know how much I hate ordering"

The waiter came and Nick ordered me and his food and Chris ordered for him and Matt.

I look down to see I got a text from my mom. I didn't see what it said because I didn't want to read it right now but just the sight of her name made my stomach drop. I started getting really anxious and my leg was bouncing up and down like crazy. Matt reached over and put his hand on my thigh to help me to stop bouncing it.

"Why are you so anxious right now?" he whispered

I took a deep breath so I didn't start crying but I think Matt noticed I was about to so he grabbed my hand.

"Come here" he said getting out of the booth with me following.

We walked outside and he asked if I was okay.

"I just got a text from my mom and I don't know what it says but I'm too nervous to open it" I said as he was bringing me into his arms and I was crying.

"I'm sorry" he said with his hand on the back of my head.

I pulled away from the hug even though I wanted to stay there forever. I was gonna open the text message before I could chicken out. I took a deep breath and then pulled up the message.


Hey honey, as you probably
already know, it's your
brother's birthday today.
I last minute decided
to take a trip home
for a day for his bday. I was
hoping to go to dinner
with you tonight if that's
okay. I would like to see

Yeah okay we can have dinner.

I read the message out loud to Matt and he told me I should because it might make me feel better because I'll be able to say goodbye this time. I was still very mad at her though.

I dried my tears and we waited a little bit before going back inside so it didn't look like I was crying.

"Where'd you guys go?" Chris said smirking.

"Outside, I needed a breather. Um... my mom texted me and I kinda freaked out" I said sitting back down.

"Oh I'm sorry, what did she say?" Nick asked

"She's coming to town just for tonight and wants to have dinner with me for my brother's birthday"

"Are you gonna go?"

"Yeah I am. It's for my brother, not her."

Are food came and I actually felt a lot better after eating. We paid and then left to go back to the house.

I got a text from my mom saying that she just got home so I asked her what time I needed to be to the house. She told me around 5:30pm.

We got to the boys' house around 12:45pm and I decided to take a nap. I grabbed one of Matt's t-shirts and some comfy pants and went to bed for about an hour and a half. It was about 3:00pm when I got out of bed. So I decided to get dressed for dinner with my mom. I was so nervous. I just wasn't looking forward to hanging out with someone who abandoned me.

THE MUSIC IN ME ♬ ~ A Matt Sturniolo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now