Movie Marathon

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  I woke up the next morning and got ready to go to the studio with Chris.

"Good morning Gabby!" Nick said "after you and Chris get done with work do you guys wanna have a movie night? I haven't watched the Harry Potter movies yet and I want to watch them"


"No I haven't! I've been to busy and when I was younger I thought they were gonna be weird but now I'm interested!"

"Omg yes we have to watch them then, we are definitely having a movie marathon"

"Okay! Well have fun working"

"Thanks Nick, bye"


Me and Chris spent 3 hours on just one song and it's still not even done. We decided to call it a day and drove back home.

I walked in while Chris decided to walk to the gas station to go buy snacks and popcorn.

"Hey Gabs you're back early, everything okay?" Matt said greeting me at the door.

"Yeah me and Chris just didn't feel like working anymore because we'd been working on the song for 3 hours and weren't getting anywhere with it. He went to go get candy and popcorn though"

"Popcorn? What does he need popcorn for?"

"We are doing a movie marathon tonight. You didn't know about it?"

"No one said anything to me"

"Oh I figured Nick would have told you once you woke up but we talked about it this morning."

"What are we gonna watch?"

"Nick wants to watch all the Harry Potter movies. Speaking of Nick, where is he?" I said looking around.

"He went to go work on something for our channel, I'm not sure what though"

"Oh okay, we'll do you wanna get cleaned up and then organize our area where we are gonna watch the movie? I wanna make it look fancy"

"Yeah sure" he said laughing at me.

We cleaned up and made the living room all decorated and ready for watching the movies. We had pretty lights and a ton of blankets. Soon after, Nick and Chris arrived and came in looking shocked.

"Omg you guys this looks amazing!" Nick shouted.

"Thanks" we both said laughing.

"You guys are losers" Chris mocked.

"Whatever Christopher" I said rolling my eyes.

We got all the snacks set up and eventually sat down. Me on a mattress and Matt on the other. Chris and Nick each on a couch.

We watched the first movie and all throughout the second one Chris wouldn't stop complaining that his back was hurting in the couch.

"Fine I'll move over by Gabby then because I don't want the couch either and I'm sick of hearing you complain ." Matt said moving onto my mattress.

"Thank you Matt" Chris said laughing and looking at Nick.

I was really uncomfortable just laying there with my head straight back and me and Matt were really good friends now so I decided to lay my head on his chest. I could feel his heart beating really fast. We surprisingly all had enough patience to watch all 8 movies and when they finally finished I wanted to go on a walk. I'd been laying down for far too long.

"Wanna go on a walk?" I asked Matt

"Yes I need to get up. I've been laying still for a long time"

We walked outside and took some pictures. It was nice just hanging out with Matt. I liked him, I really did. He was the sweetest person I'd ever met. I caught him staring at me.

THE MUSIC IN ME ♬ ~ A Matt Sturniolo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now