11: sorry

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"bruce," robin called out as he walked up to bruce's locker. bruce and his friends all turned to the shorter boy, confused on why he was here. "can i talk to you?" he asked, looking at the floor.

"uhm yeah! totally!" bruce agreed, leaving with robin to the back of the school. "what's up?" robin was still avoiding his eyes, twisting his fingers.

"i'm sorry that i've been such a dick to you. i was jealous." robin apologized, yet barely saying the end. bruce nodded in a understanding way.

"it's fine, i get it. i'm sorry for making it seem like i was trying to steal finney away from you, but i actually wanna be both of your friends!" bruce confessed. robin raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"you wanna be friends with me? why?" robin scoffed.

"because you're so cool! you kick anyone's ass if they talk shit about you or finney, and you love the best movies. i'm surprised you haven't beat me up yet." bruce chuckled nervously, scratching his neck.

"oh, you're welcome?" robin wasn't too sure on what to say. bruce actually like him? "so, are you gay? specifically for... finn?" he asked, teetering on his heels.

"not for finn." bruce smiled. robin nodded, understanding that bruce just said he's gay.

"ok. me either!" robin yelled defensively. bruce nodded at the interjection, knowing that wasn't true. "so, are we cool?" he asked with his hand out.

"yeah. friends." bruce smiled, shaking his hand.


finney placed the astronaut on the lego ship and clapped at the finished product. robin kept staring at it with a confused and amazed look.

"isn't it great?! i wonder if neil armstrong would ride this." finney giggled, hugging robin. robin just nodded, not really understanding his rocket and space obsession.

they were at finney's house in his room, playing with his legos. more like finney building legos and robin watching with serious focus. robin didn't really care, but if it made finney happy he was happy.

"is neil armstrong your hero?" robin asked, picking up one of finney's model ships. finney nodded as he bounced on his bed. "what did he do again? discover the moon?"

"no! he was the first man on the moon." finney scoffed. robin just sat next to him still holding the ship. "who are you doing?"

"my dad. he's the reason i'm here." robin smiled. finney smiled back as he held his hand. "do you think i'll be allowed? he's a veteran." finney nodded, pulling robin down to lay on the bed.

"if you can't that's fucked since he's apart of history." finney said into robin's hips. "what was your dad like?" finney asked, now sitting up against the headboard.

"he was young. he was 30, almost 31 in november. his hair was really short since he cut it every other week at the barber. his favorite artists were the jackson 5 and el gran combo de puerto rico." robin chuckled.

"those are your favorite artists! and micheal jackson." finney gawked.

"just for him. mami called him a lover, not a fighter. unlike me. in méxico, the street kids and i would always fight for money and god, he hated it so much." robin continued. he paused, turning to finney.

"he wrote me a letter once, saying he wanted to meet you." robin whispered.

"you talked about me? all the way back then?!" finney asked, fully facing robin.

"yeah. you're my only real friend. you came up to me with this stupid rocket and said something about NASA. i only understood space because i've seen star trek." robin scoffed with a smile.

"no way. tell me more about him. i want this to be about you." finney giggled, poking robin's stomach.

"he went to college in texas and was born on the border of texas and méxico. he was a heavy smoker though. mami hated that, why she hates when molly smokes."

robin went on about his dad for another thirty minutes, and finney listened the whole time. he talked about silly stories, the day he enlisted, and the letter they got when he died.

"sometimes, i yell at him for enlisting when i pray. if he didn't wanna honor the country and fill his american duties, he could be here now." robin sighed, looking up at finney's space ceiling.

finney flopped down too, grabbing robin's hand. they just laid there in silence, soaking up each other's presence.

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