12: seen

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finney sat in biology next to donna, bored out of his mind. she was taking notes, but gosh, finney just wanted to be doing anything else.

"finn, do you think robin would like anything for his birthday?" donna asked. finney shrugged, not entirely listening. "what?! he's your best friend and his birthday is in two weeks! i need to save up!"

"he likes chips and chocolate." finney said nonchalantly. donna nodded, looking back at the blackboard. finney looked out the door window and met eyes with robin.

he waved a note in the window and slid it under the door. finney got up to sharpen his pencil, and took the note with his shoe. donna watched him, confused on why he was fucking insane. he walked back over quickly and smiled at the note.

puta, come to the bathroom near the gym
like now
<3 robin

finney shoved it in his zip up pocket and raised his hand.

"yes, go to the bathroom, finney." the teacher scoffed, glaring at finney. he thanked her and sped down the hallway and to the bathroom.

he slowly pushed the door opened and was met with robin tying his bandana around his head. "ahem!" finney yelled as he slowly got closer to the other mirror.

robin turned to finney and smirked devilishly. he leaned against the sink, letting finney stand in front of him.

"i talked to bruce yesterday. before we walked to your house. we're friends now." robin said. finney nodded, but didn't really get why robin would have to tell him this so urgently.

"is that it?" finney asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"oh, you don't care?" robin snapped back playfully. finney shrugged. "i actually wanted to see you." he smiled, holding finney's hands.

"good, because i wanted a kiss." finney said quickly before pressing their lips together. robin smiled at the kiss, throwing his arms over finney's shoulders.

finney held robin's cheeks, pulling them so close. they both moderately sucked at kissing, but neither of them knew what a good kiss was.

"finn..." robin panted between finney's desperate kisses. "i, i think i'm falling in love." he finished. finney looked at him with wide eyes and his mouth opened.

"i think so too?" finney whispered, reattaching the kiss again. "i've never felt like this with anyone else." he hummed against robin's lips.

the door busted opened to reveal to reveal billy, who was holding a cigarette and matches. everyone froze, robin and finney still holding each other and billy putting the matches behind his back.

"uhm, hey paper boy?" finney chuckled.


"so, you two are actually dating?" billy asked. they were all sat on the floor, finney and robin against the wall and billy next to the sinks.

"isn't it obvious, fucktard?" finney scoffed. "are you a smoker?" finney asked mockingly.

"at least i don't suck cock." billy scoffed.

"at least i won't die at 25 from lung cancer!" finney yelled back.

"yeah? which one of us will get hatecrimed and murdered first?!" billy yelled, pointing to them. robin raised his fist before finney pulled him down.

"not yet." finney whispered to robin. "just shut the fuck up, or everyone will know why billy is always missing from second period." he shrugged.

"i could also say that finney blake really is a fag and gives it up the ass during biology class!" billy snapped back. robin finally pounced, grabbing billy's shirt collar.

"shut the fuck up! i can rearrange you face real nice once again," robin spat while looking him up and down. "maybe even switch some limbs around." he chuckled, tightening his grip.

billy pushed robin off his lap, and shook himself off. they sat in awkward silence for a while, thinking of questions to ask each other.

"why do you smoke? you're like 14." robin asked.

"stress. why do you shove dicks into your mouth? you're like 14" billy asked back.

"because it's fucking delicious! also, i'm 13. birthday's this weekend." robin smiled painfully hard before rolling his eyes. billy just sighed, not really knowing what to do.

"we didn't blow each other, by the way. that's disgusting." finney gagged as the stood up. "give us three years, once we're out of middle school. then, you'll get the hot scoop." finney smirked, petting billy's head.

"whatever, homos." billy scoffed. they ignored him and started to open the door before, "wait! please don't tell anyone about this! i'll never run track again and lose my job." he finally begged.

"whatever." finney shrugged, leaving with robin.

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