Chapter 11 - Raid on the church

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Issei, Raynare, Akeno, Sona and Rias Quickly ran through the windows and followed after the man. For a human he was insanely fast even while carrying a girl. "That has to be Freed Sellzen, a stray priests with sadistic tendencies" Spoke Raynare as she flew along with the girls. Issei however tried his best to follow on food.

"Hey Ddraig can I boost my legs for a little more speed?" Asked a desperate Issei.

"A simple request partner…Boost!" Said Ddraig as Issei sped up double.  After thirty seconds Issei had boosted five times and was running in front of the girls who looked down in amazement. "Wow, he's almost as fast as Kiba'' said Akeno, surprised.

Issei boosted for the sixth time hitting his current limit but now moving faster than the girls in the air. "Wow Ddraig, just doubling my speed makes me this fast, just how strong can I get" asked Issei.

"As long as your body and mind stay strong you will be able to grow almost indefinitely" Spoke Ddraig."That is why my power is both feared and respected, with enough time you can become one of the strongest beings alive but it can cause you trouble as well."

Issei kept running as the girls were now having to push themselves a little more. Issei kept running and thanks to the constant chasing of the kendo girls and his stronger body from becoming a devil and the daily training he was ganging up on Freed quite quickly. However Freed was not an easy person to follow, he was nimble on his feet and extremely agile, and even if Issei could run faster than him he could not avoid obstacles which started to slow and wear him down.

Freed a few blocks down dove into an alleyway and jumped into a preset magic circle that teleported  him away. "Rias have you contacted your peerage" asked Sona

"Yes i have and you"

"Yes" then popped up the missing members of the peerages. After a quick briefing everyone split in groups of two, Kiba and Koneko, Mittelt and Kalawarner, Rias and Akeno, Sona and Subaki, Tsubasa and Tomoe, Raya,Saji  and Ruruko and finally Issei and Raynare. They all split taking separate directions around town. "The power in that magic circle was not that strong, so it shouldn't take him far." Spoke rias through communication circles to everyone. However she didn't like that the magic circls was devil magic..

Issei and Raynare flew to the abandoned church. To give Raynare a little extra speed he transfered some power to her and they quickly sped through the sky. Landing on the front of the church Raynare could sense a few people in the church. "Rias we found them get everyone here now" spoke Raynare quietly through a magic circle to not be directed.

As soon as everyone was at the church Koneko kicked the door in and they all stepped in. There was nothing and one of the people vanished, and again it was devil power. The large group of students stormed into the church finding many stray priests weilding light swords. At once both sides rushed at one another. Kiba and Tomoe ran in taking down priests with their speed and swordsmanship. Behind them were Koneko and Tsubasa Yura each holding up the church benches using them as bats swinging away. Alongside them were Ruruko Nimura and Saji who were promoted to rook for a strength boost. The Remaining girls looked and attacked with magic. Raynare, Kalawarner and Mittelt through light speer, Akeno lighting, Rias used her power of destruction and Sona her water magic. The remaining magic users were being supported, holding up a barrier to not be seen but the average people of Kuoh.

Issei was also charging through priests using his boosted straight to take down a few priests, overall the attack only took a few seconds to take down the light sword wielders. Koneko using her senses picked up a steel from behind a pedestal as she pushed it out of the way revealing a staircase down. "That's the extraction room" Spoke the ex-fallen angels.

"They're gonna remove her gear." Spoke Mittelt

"That will kill her." Added Tsubaki.

Quickly they all ran down, and to their horror they saw Asia being held onto an upside-down cross tied by glowing chains. Around her was a glowing light as she screamed in agony. Raynare quickly rushed to the chained girl and tried destroying the magic circle causing her pain. She struck and struck at the cross with all the power she had but it was made too durable especially as it was active.

"The ritual was done incorrectly. She will die without the extratong we have to hurry." Spoke Raynare in desperation. Everyone broke from their slight mortification and began to destroy the cross, but even after the cross was taken down she was not doing well. After finally laying her on the ground behind them they heard clapping. Up walked a man with white hair and red eyes wearing a crazed smile. "Well well well so many little fucking devils to kill, lucky me."  Spoke the demented man.

Issei has now passed, first he kidnapped Asia, then torched her and now he had his eyes set on killing his peerage members. Freed pulled out his light sword and gun and began to fire at the Devils, as once again more priests began to come out, this time wielding guns. Everyone present began taking cover; they couldn't move the bullets flew all over the room, the building began to shake and crumble as the Devils were scattered, taking down who they managed to. Issei was now livid, they were backed into a corner, he was mad at the man who dared hurt them, he was mad at himself for not protecting Asia, he was mad at himself for being weak, that right he was weak. "Ddraig takes my arm"he spoke unfazed by his own words.

"Partner, are you sure it will be rushed?"

"Just do it!" He yelled.

His scream shocked everyone present. There was a moment of silence. "Everyone get out now." Spoke the brunet boy with brown hair as he watched the blond girl struggle to open her eyes and look at him.

"I..i..Issei" she spoke, stretching her arm towards him as her eyes dulled and her hand dropped.

WELSH DRAGON BALANCE BREAKER! In an instant  Issei was enraged, he was standing in the middle of the room in a red armor with green jewels and yellow spikes. Before anyone could see what happened Issei was gone. He had appeared at the other side of the room and in his hand was a red orb. The orb shrunk in front of him and he reeled back, however this time it wasn't a large blast but a small Lazer. Issei punched the orb again and another Laser shot out, he began to speed up and repeatedly punch the Lazer sending a barrage of miniature dragon shots into the priests.  "Dragon scatter shot!" yelled Issei.

And again he was gone, all the stray priests were dead, and he was holding Freed by the neck. "Now tell me why are you doing this," said Issei.

"Oh that's easy," Freed said in a crazed sing-song voice. "A little bird hired me or should I say bat." He laughed madly.

Issei was about to hit Freed when he grew red and his armor dispelled. Issei hit the man sending him to the ground but nothing more. As he was about to grab Freed again he threw a light grenade. "ISSEI!" Everyone yelled worried for the friend as the light dispelled Issei was left semiconscious on the floor face down.

The girls quickly ran to him as the rest stayed back to tend after their injured comrades. "Rias Please… save asia…''Spoke Issei as he finally fainted from the battle.

Issei opened his eyes and he found himself in front of Ddraig. "That was a dangerous move we just pulled off and I am not willing to do such a thing again" Spoke the irritated dragon.

"You are quite foolish, probably the most foolish host I have met." Issei only listened to the words of the dragon as he noticed his arm was transparent.

"Ddraig what's happening to my arm." Asked a scared Issei.

"Your arms were taken in a rush so I couldn't properly take it. If you were a normal human you would be dead right now but it seems that thanks to that strange pawn you have your body seems to instead be infusing itself with dragon DNA."

Issei's eyes widened, "so am I becoming a dragon?"

"By what I can sense yes and no, your new Dragon DNA is consuming your human side while your devil side seems to be merging with it. You are becoming something never seen before, a demonic dragon." Spoke Ddraig was quite amused at the turn of events.

"Your metamorphosis will be complete in three weeks time so rest well partner"

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