Chapter 14 - A fight for Rias part 1

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The ORC was sitting on a train heading to the Underworld Issei and Raynare were sitting next to each other in silence as the rest of the peerage did their own thing. "Ddraig, what should I focus on during this training?" Issei asked his partner.

"First I suggest you get used to your new body, learn how to implement yourself into battle and also take some magic lessons from that Akeno girl. You don't have any magic prowess but your dragon Aura follows the same principles as magic." Stated Ddraig.

"Welcome everyone to the Gremory Summer home!" said Rias as she pointed at a Mountain surrounded by forests that held a mansion on top.

"So are these Mountains your family's property," asked Raynare.

"No, the entire forest and mountain range you see are part of the Gremory territory" Stated Akeno.

"Just how much does your family own?'' Issei asked surprised.

"We probably own as much land as the main Island of Japan," said Rias nonchalant.

Everyone was left speechless at just how wealthy Rias truly was. "Ok now each of you grab a backpack and start waking up the hill" commanded Rias.

First was Asia. She was given a small bag and she started to walk up the first hill. Next was Mittelt with a slightly larger bag. Then Kiba, Kalawarner and Raynare each with slightly larger bags. Rias and Akeno both had bags smaller than Kibas but they waited behind to hand everyone their gear. Koneko was next and even though she was the smallest she had the largest bag almost triple her body, and finally Issei Rias summoned his bag as well which fell to the ground with a thud."Alright Finally you issue, your bag is just slightly heavier than Koneko's."

Issei grabbed the bag and with zero effort lifted the bag and tossed it in the air like it was a baseball. Rias and Akeno were surprised how this is the same boy from a month ago that collapsed only doing three push-ups and now he was far beyond Koneko's strength, who was the muscle in the group. "This is pretty light, do we have anything heavier, Issei asked."

"Not really the only thing we have is the train cart with food overthrew but that will be teleported to the mansion before we arrive. '' Before Rias could finish speaking Issei was tying a chain around his chest and began walking and pulled the cart behind him with as much effort as Koneko with her bag.

"Issei, you never told us what happened when you were unconscious. All we knew was your body was requiring an insane amount of food. You almost overloaded the magical feeding spell." Spoke Akeno.

"Let's get to the top and I'll explain everything " said Issei as he began to walk up the hill and slowly caught up with everyone else with Rias and Akeno also catching up with the rest.

As everyone began to tire, Issei was going strong; some even hitched a ride on Issei's cart. Raynare however was sitting on his shoulders as he kept walking like nothing was weighing him down. Next to him were Kiba and Koneko, Kiba had a lot of stamina from being a knight and Koneko's straight made her trip up to the manor with a giant bag easier. "Wow Issei you have grown stronger in such a short time" Spoke Kiba

"Yeah you're strong " said Issei, he then just stopped and looked at the small girl for a second.

"What are you looking at? " she said Stokely, giving Issei an emotionless stare.

"Sorry it's just you've never talked to me before," said Issei as he started to walk again.

After arriving at the mansion Issei lifted the Cart and moved it into a clearing by the side of the building. "Ok everyone head inside I'll show you each of your rooms and we will meet back here when we are finished unpacking."

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