Chapter 45 - The hero faction part 1

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Azazels rose from the Crater formed in the mountains and began to fly back to the bridge. "My name is Cao Cao, Descendant of the original Cao Cao of the three kingdoms." Spoke the teen.

"Are you the one who took my mother? Why would you take her?" Asked the small Yokai girl.

"If you must know we want her for a little experiment, however right now I'm more interested in introducing myself to the fallen general Azazel and the red dragon emperor as well as trading a few blows." Said Cao Cao.

"Well that is an odd way to greet someone, however what I want to know is what you have done with the leader of the Yokai. And if you don't hand her back we'll be forced to take her." Spoke Azazel.

"You're free to try." Replied Cao Cao.

"Leonardo made some dance partners for our guests." Spoke Cao Cao as a join boy with tan skin and white hair stepped up.

Suddenly a mass of shadows began to take form to what looked like dirk golems with a red jewel for an eye. "To think your side wielding the annihilation maker is a Longinus capable of destroying the world, however it looks like its wielder is an amateur." Said Azazel.

"Usually I'd say don't Assume but your right however he has something more than just that." Added Cao Cao.

The golem began to fire light at the others but luckily Azazel put up a barrier to protect the others. Issei stepped forward and gave out a command. "Kiba passed out light absorbing swords, Irina with me were the only two immune to light so let's do this." Said Issei as his wings extended out of his back and his claws and tails appeared.

"Wait, he's a dragon." Said Kouno watching Issei tear through the monsters.

"Yes he became one a while ago, he gave his whole body to the dragon but instead of him because Ddraig he became something never seen before." Said Asia.

Across the bridge Azazel approached Cao Cao. "Now Cao Cao faces me man to man." Said Azazel as he began being engulfed in his yellow dragon armor.

"I understand why you were taking the leaders of each faction you want to collect data for your weakness monsters right." Said Azazel while clashing with Cao Cao.

"And so what if it?" replied the spear wielder.

"Your research won't be enough to kill a god." Said Azazel thrusting his trident forward.

"Why would I need that if I could use my own hands? Replied Cao Cao, meeting his Lance with the Trident.

Back with Issei he was being charged by three girls intent on taking Issei by surprise. "Asia promotion now!" Said Issei as Asia pulled out a badge.

Suddenly Issei's speed increased and he appeared behind the girls, sending them flying into the monsters with a swipe of his claw.

"The rumors are true, you really are powerful." Said a man as he walked forward with a sword.

"Hi there, my name is Siegfried." Said the man.

Suddenly Kiba ran forward and swung at the man but he blocked Kibas attack with ease. Xenovia was next, using two swords she tried to push back the man but he didn't budge. Irana seeing the man having his hands full sent a light ring at him but a third arm with a sword blocked it.

"No way he has three arms." Said Irina.

"Yes this is my sacred gear double critical of the dragon's hand. And these three swords here are all legendary swords." Said Sigfreed.

"Man, why is it that all long white hair, crazy exercise have the name freed." Said Issei.

"I assume you might have sacred gear." Said Kiba.

"Yes and Lucky for you I'm not in my balance breaker yet." Snuggle said Freed.

Around them Azazel and Cao Cao fought, causing devastating damage across the land. "Well it seems the rumors about the Gremory we're true, you really are what they say. Your physical power is off the charts and you are a natural leader, no wonder you're the most dangerous red dragon emperor." Spoke Cao Cao

Suddenly a magic circle appeared and Le Fay cand out of the circle. "Hey there everyone I have a message from Vali, she says, "Issei give him send him flying." Well that's all bye bye." Spoke the witch girl before leaving.

Issei smirked and remembered a band from each arm. "Here catch." Said Issei tossing one to Sigfreed and Cao Cao.

Both men reached out to grab a ring, however the moment they caught the rings they were sent flying back to the other side of the bridge before the rings fell, breaking said bridge.

"That was a very interesting red dragon emperor, you truly are strong." Spoke Cao Cao as he looked at his hand seeing his finger was broken.

"It seems now isn't the best time to fight. We do have a few things to worry about, however if you want a fox leader we will be close so find us first. Said Cao Cao as another man retracted the fog.

Later that night the Sitri and Gremory group gathered with Azazel and Serafall. "Alright everyone here's the plan, Issei your our heavy hitter so your the best line of defense Saji your with Issei back him up, also Issei make sure Saji stays under control. As for the rest of the Gremory family I need you all on the front lines as well to ensure Issei is not bothered. Now for the Siris I want you all to stay back and protect Kyoto. Most of the firepower  will be at Nijo Castle, everyone will be near the station. On and one last thing we have to do is mobilize devils, angels, and fallen angels as support. We must get Princess Yusaka back." Spoke Azazel.

"Right!" replied the devils.

As the devil returned to the hotel Azazel stood at the door holding a red orb, "hey Issei I think this belongs to you." Spoke to the man.

"Huh what is this?" Asked Issei.

"Yes that's it, it's your potential." Said Issei.

"Wait really this was what came out of the box, how did you find it?" Asked Issei.

"Well some guy was just singing to himself walking through the streets and I thought it might have been you since it sounded like your voice and songs but I noticed this was emanating from the man." Said Azazel

"It also seems that this orb was jumping around Kyoto" replied Rossweisse before running into the bathroom to throw up after her hangover.

"So my potential made everyone who held it a song, what does that mean?" Asked Issei.

"Any Ideas Ddraig?" Asked Azazel.

"Not at the moment however it is quite powerful." Spoke the dragon.

"Alright everyone, now get some rest. We have an eventful night ahead of us." Spoke Azazel as he walked away from the group.

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