Chapter 18 - Calm before the storm.

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Issei was walking to school surrounded by his girlfriends.He was happy but the situation was becoming a little much. He didn't mind the attention from the girls but he couldn't help but feel awkward at the start. Walking through the town Issei was given jealous stares from men on the street and perplexed looks from children and women. He couldn't help it; he had Rias and Akeno wrapped one arm and Asia and Sona round the other, and on his back was his first girlfriend Raynare.

As he walked into school everyone was just staring, they were used to seeing Issei with the girls but not like that. Boy looked at Issei in pure anger. And the word spread around the school, Issei hyoudou was now also dating the two great ladies, the ice cold president and blond little sister of Kuoh Academy.

Entering the school's doors Issei received a kiss from each girl before they went to their own classes. Issei just stood at the bottom of the stairs with a goofy smile. Suddenly he was punched in the back of the head and heard two cries. Issei didn't budge or move from the hits. Instep the two boys who had hit him whined holding their knuckles.

"Oh hey guys whats up." Spoke Issei

"Dont what up me trader " said Matsuda angry

"Yeah not only did you get a girlfriend before us but you got five. How is that fair?"  Cried Motohama.

"Yeah but how does that make me a trader? I told you guys I'm going to be the harem king" said Issei, smiling at his friends.

"Yeah we know that and we are happy for you but we are just jealous let us get over it." Said Matsuda.

"Well I can make it up to you guys." Said the pervy dragon.


"The girls are swimming today and you know what that means right?" Said Issei with a wide smile.

"You're crazy there going to have every entrance to peek blocked." Said Motohama

"Yeah on the ground, we're going to climb the wall and drop down behind the locker rooms. And if we get caught I'll hold them off while you run. ''said Issei.

"Hey you don't have to put yourself in the crossfire." Said both boys worried, even if they were just busting his chops they still cared for the friend not knowing he is the most powerful person in the school

"Hey don't worry I've been training and learning to fight so ill be good" said Issei flexing his arm.

"Aw man, when will I get the shirt my size? Sona said I'll have my new uniform already,  I've been having to use smaller shirts." Said Issei.

Matsuda and Motohama realized what his girlfriend  was doing and sighed. While the girls who heard him, mentality praised Sona.

During PE class Issei and his friends snuck by the side of the pool's Locker rooms and began climbing the wall. Issei practically carried the two up the wall. "Ok guys go on ahead I'll be a distraction so when you're done you can run. Said Issei. He then turned around and walked around the lockers to where the kendo girls were guarding the girls who were changing.

"Stop right there Hyoudou!" Yelled at a girl holding a bamboo sword.

"What are you doing here"

"Oh just the usual," he said casually.

"And you think we're just going to let you?" Once again said the brown-haired  swordswomen .

"Oh I know you want it's part of the fun" said Issei.

"So this is just a game to you?" Asked another girl.

"Yeah of course what's a prize without earning it." He said with a cheer.

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