Chapter 40 - The birth of a dragon.

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It's been about a month since Risers wedding and like their usual life the group is walking to class. Issei was pushing Raynare in a wheelchair through the town, she insisted on being present in school even if Sona permitted a maternity leave for the girl.

"Ray I love being around you but please stay home at least tomorrow you need to rest and I don't want you to push yourself." Said Issei as he looked at his girlfriend.

"Issei I won't miss school unless this baby decides it's time to pop out and according to Azazel it should be before the school trip so that's a plus." Raynare got ready and Issei stopped moving forward.

"Ray, are you ok?" Asked Issei.

"The baby." Replied Raynare.

"What?" Asked the dragon once more.

"It's time for the baby to come and my water broke." Slightly yelled Raynare. Everyone around them stopped and began to slightly panic.

Lucky for them Rias and Sona were level headed tho deep down freaking out for the well being of the girl, the baby and the fact of Isseis first being born.

"Everyone please head to school. I, Sona and Issei will watch over Raynare and meet up as soon as we can." Spoke Rias commanded as Sona nodded.

Both peerages began to walk once more leaving the four behind. On their walk to school Mittelt was quick to call Kaliwarner to inform her of the baby. The women replied by running through the hall towards Azazel's lab room. "Uncle Az it's time." Yelled the woman as she slammed the door open.

"Huh time for what?" Asked Azazel raising his head from his study plan.

"Raynare, the baby is coming." Spoke to the frantic girl.

Azazels was quick to move, he made a magic circle and began to type an Email to the staff informing everyone the reason for his and Kaliwarners leave. Without waiting for a reply or any update Azazel just teleported both of them to where they could sense Issei.

The duo appeared Infront of a heavily breathing Raynare who was sitting in a wheelchair. "No time to explain everyone into the magic circle we need to go to the underworld hospital now!" Spoke Azazel as all six left the aria in a flash.

Azazels ran ahead of the teens pushing the doors open and sending orders to the fallen angel doctors. "Quickly we need a doctor. My niece is having her baby!" Yelled Azazel.

The fallen were quick to react, Azazel and Penemue informed the hospital staff that soon Raynare was going to give birth so they constantly had an open room just for her. Quickly she was wheeled into the room and placed in the bed. "I'm sorry everyone but while she is in the process of her body adjusting as well as while she is Birthing no one besides the father can enter." Spoke to a nurse. "We need a sterile environment and we don't want to distract the Obstetrician."

Everyone was now seated in the waiting room, around them any fallen who saw Azazel gave a bow as they walked by, however the man didn't notice rather he was worrying for the couple in the other room.

Seconds turned into minutes and Minutes into hours. At this point the school day had ended and the ORC as well as the student council were waiting in the hospital. Raynare has been going through labor for a couple of hours and finally a doctor walked out to inform the freinds and family.

"Well everyone everything was a success she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, you are all welcome to come in." Said the doctor as the large group fallowed behind.

Everyone entered the quiet spacious room with ease. And there they noticed Raynare was laying on the bed with a smile, covered in sweat and with messy hair. Next to her was Issei holding a small bundle in his arms, the first to walk up were Issei's girlfriend as the walked over to look at the baby and check on Raynare. Asia was worried for the new mother and began to heal her using twilight healing.

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