Chapter 43 - On the way to Kyoto

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Issei, Kiba, Saji, Asia, Xenovia, Raynare and Shin were being waved off by Rias and Sona. "Ok everyone we will see you in a few days, And here you go, these are the passes you will need to enter temples." Said Rias handing everyone a card.

"Now Issei behave yourself on the trip. We don't want to have another girl pregnant so soon." Said Sona.

"Oh come on really do you think I have no self control?" Asked Issei who received a dead state from all the girls.

"Alright alright I get it I'll try not to do anything." Said Issei raising his hands like he was at a fun point.

The train whistle went off and everyone began to board. "Alright girls, I'll see you in a few days, don't miss me too much." Said Issei as he gave both girls a kiss before heading off.

Suddenly Issei jumped on and on his back was Kuroka. "Issei I've been feeling left out do you truly love me?" Asked the girl.

Issei just ran his finger up her thigh to fluster the girl and to get her off his back. "Yes I do so done worry either I'll be back I promise he said catching the girl by surprise as the there shared their first kiss.

"Alright but when you come back I don't want to be able to walk for a day too." Said Kuroka as Rias and Sona blushed.

Issei smiled as he walked away and boarded the train as well. "So Vali, do you plan on hiding or will you show yourself." Said Sona.

"How did you know?" Asked Vali.

"It's pretty obvious, we have noticed you staring a lot at Issei recently, I know you're a big fan and your dragons are no longer at each other's necks but is there more to those stared I wonder." Said Kuroka betraying her friend.

"Ha...what… no wait… that's not…" began to stutter the white dragon empress as her face began to flush.

"Ugh why is it always like this? He even made his total opposite and destined rival fall for him." Sighed Rias looking at the flustered Vali.

Issei was washing his face in the train bathroom sink as he stared into the mirror thinking about what Azazel and Ajuka discovered about his sacred gear. While lost in thought Xenovia walked behind Issei and got close to his ear.

"I'm practicing Naked." Spoke the girl, which caused Issei to jump out of his thoughts in surprise.

"I got the whole check in but the whispering in the ear was a bit much, '' said Issei as he took his seat next to Raynare and Shin.

"But I get it you don't have a weapon since you can send Durandal to the Church Alchemists, so I'll lend you Ascolan in the meantime." Said Issei.

"Thank you, it's appreciated." Said Xenovia giving him a kiss before heading to her seat.

As Xenovia sat, girls began to make noise as Kiba walked through the train, "Hey Issei is this seat taken." Asked Kiba

As Kiba sat, the girls on the train stared at the two boys as whispers spread around the train. "Incase anything comes up I think it's best we compare schedules." Said the Prince of Kuoh.

"Yeah we're starting at Kiyomizu temple, here's our itinerary." Said Issei handing the boy a pamphlet.

"Thanks, hm it looks like we will be close by so we should schedule a meeting point for the third day, oh and come to think of it I heard you had to deal with the four great Satans. Is that true?" Asked Kiba handing the pamphlet over.

"Yeah it was kinda weird seeing them all in Ranger costumes but hey I passed all the test, though after talking with Ajuka and Azazel I did get some advice from both of them, it seems to fully release my power I have to master the Knight and Rook promotions first." Said Issei.

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