Chapter 26 - Start of Peice

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Issei was now standing in front of Rias reporting his underclassmen's progress. "Thanks for the great work Issei oh and I have one more mission for you for tomorrow please go to the Himejima Shrine with Akeno." Said Rias looking at her queen. 

The next day had come and Issei reached the summit of the hill the shrine was on. He was quickly greeted by Akeno in a priestesses outfit. "Wow Akeno you look great,'' said Issei as he grabbed Akeno by the waist." The girl just giggled at her boyfriend's action. 

"Ok ok not the time for this. I have someone for you to meet,'' said Akeno, leading the boy into the shrine. 

They entered and took a seat in the shrine. After a few moments a light began to form in the middle of the room and out came a man with long golden hair, wearing a pure innocent face, and light baby blue eyes, on hisnback he was carried by twelve white wings. "Issei this is lord Michael he requested to meet with." Said Akeno. 

"That is the correct Red Dragon Emperor." Said The Arc angle with a smile. 

Issei sat in Attention and decided not to respond as to not be rude to the man. "I'm sure you are wondering why I wish to speak to you, " said Angle. 

"Yes I am sir." Said a nervous Issei.

Micheal chuckled wholeheartedly at the boy's attitude, "Please don't worry about titles, I have come here to give you a gift, I wanted to thank you for stopping another great war. Said the angel. 

"Oh no there is no need to thank me, I did all this to protect my family." Said Issei. 

"So humble that is the reason I want to entrust you with this." Said the man as he summoned a holy sword. "This here is the holy sword Ascalon, it is a dragon slayer sword and who best to entrust it to than the Demon 

Dragon Emperor." Said Micheal. 

"I'm honored." Said Issei as he bowed his head. 

In Front of him the sword lowered. "I'm sure you know how to absorb the sword with your sacred gear." Said the leader of heaven. 

"Yes" said Issei as he held the sword and began to sync his power with the sword. After a bright flash of light the boosted gears gauntlet was the blade extending from it.

"That Is all the time I have I must return to heaven." Said Micheal. 

"Thank you for the gift." Spoke Issei. As the man disappeared in a flash of light again. 

Issei and Akeno were now alone in the shrine. Akeno took a seat next to Issei and leaned her head on Issei. "Hey Issei can I ask a question?" Asked Akeno. 

"You don't need permission, you can always ask me anything." 

"Why did you accept to date me even if you had all the other girls?" Asked Rias's queen. 

"What did you mean?" Asked Issei. 

"Even though you don't know me, even though you had better girls, you still chose me as part of your harem." Slightly yelled at the girl. 

"And on top of that you chose someone who you know nothing about, someone who has tainted blood. Said Akeno as she turned and showed Issei her back. From her back sprung a black feathered wing and a bat-like wing. 

"I am the daughter of an ex holy maiden and a fallen angel". Cried Akeno. 

Issei didn't respond. He placed his hand on the center of the girl's back and ran his hand through the girl's wing. Akeno shuddered at his touch. "Look Akeno, I don't care who you are, I love you for you." Said Issei as he wrapped his arms around the girl. "I love the Akeno who loves to tease people, the Akeno who like to tease me but is actually quite shy, the girl who enjoys to hurt others, the girl who cooks for me every day, all those parts of you I love and seeing your waking give me another reason to love you. And let me ask you something about Raynare." Said Issei 

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