Chapter 52 - A dragons future

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After the Rating game Issei and Sairaorg were in a hospital room recovering from their injuries. "I don't remember what happened towards the end of the fight but I know one thing, I lost." Spoke Sairaorg.

"Yeah but it was a great fight. My jaw is still aching from the first punch."

"Well then how can I face my family after this loss." Said Sairaorg.

"Well son you don't have to worry about that, I spoke with your father and he says he's proud to have a strong son like you." Spoke Sairaorg's mother as she entered the room.

"Mother, what are you doing here? You need to rest, you're still recovering." Spoke to a worried Sairaorg.

"Oh Sairaorg don't be over dramatic I'm fine you are the one who needs to rest you just fought. But yes your father says he's ashamed of trying to hide you and is proud you are his heir, the true Lion King." Explain the proud mother.

"Hello, am I interrupting?" Said a new person entering the room.

"Oh Lord Lucifer." Bowed the woman

Issei and Sairaorg were able to get up. "There's no need to get up, I'm here to speak with Issei." Said the man.

"I'll be stepping out now." Said the woman in the room as she bowed once more and walked out.

"Well Issei the higher ups and I have been thinking, you have shown a lot of promise lately so we have come to the decision it's time for you to rank up to a mid-class devil. You have been fulfilling the most contracts out of any reincarnated devil and your current battle has shown your strength."

Issei didn't respond; he was speechless. "Well well good for you Issei this is the first step for you, I believe you will become a mighty hero of the underworld." Spoke Sairaorg.

"Haha that may be so, well I'll let both of you rest and I think it's time I head out." Said Lucifer as he walked out of the room.

"A promotion is good but I was thinking, are you going to go through with it, as you practically proposed when we were fighting?" Said Sairaorg.

"Yes I am, wait that reminds me there's somewhere I have to be." Said Issei as he stood from the bed.

"Hey where are you going, don't you have to rest more!?" Asked a surprise Sairaorg

"No, I'm fine, I'm a dragon, I heal quickly." Smirked Issei

"Well at least tell me where you're going?"

"To the Sitri there is a chest game I have to win." Said Issei as he stepped out.

Sairaorg smiled, laying on his bed sure Issei was one of the greatest things to have come to the underworld and he had to thank his cousin for it.

Issei ran out of the room and down the hall, he was in the Sitri domain hospital so he wasn't far from the Main house. As he ran past the room holding his friends they called out to him. "ISSEI WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" asked Rias.

"I need to go to Sona." Said Issei as he jumped out the open window at the end of the hall, surprising a few nurses walking through the halls.
On his flight Issei sent a message on his phone, "Kiba, get the girls to me and Sona as soon as you can."

Kiba understood the message and did as his friend asked. "Everyone, we have to go quickly. Issei has something important for you all."

Issei landed Infront of the Sitri house seeing a line of men lined up Infront of a desk. At the desk sat Serafall Leviathan, from the distance he heard her speaking. "No, you're not worth my Sotan."

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