Chapter 21 - Kibas Awakening

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Yes the Excaliburs are complete, hahaha!" Laughed both excommunicated priests. Freed now held the sword in hand and felt its power, giving an evil grin.

Freed noticed Issei was by the church duo and was prepared to attack once more. Using the speed of rapidly and power of  Excalibur destruction he sped toward Issei intent on ending the boy. But instead he was met with another blade. 

Kiba arrived and interrupted the fight. Issei smirked knowing that the boy would make his appearance soon. " Freed this will be the moment you and Valper die!" Yelled an angry Kiba. 

In a moment another sword came out of thin air into Kibas hand and began his assault on the priest. However every sword he summoned was scattered one after another by the merged Excalibur. "That power is its sword birth, I see now I remember a promising subject from the holy sword project who held such sacred gear." Spoke Valper.

"That's right, valper , I am here to get revenge for all the children, my friends, my family, for those you discarded and killed without reason!" Shouted Kiba.

"Ha you think all I did was for nothing, in the end the project succeeded, you see there was not a single child who could wield the full power of an Excalibur." 

"But those children did hold the key for me to achieve my dream of wielding Excalibur, each and every one in that project helped a specific gene needed to create holy sword users. And we had to extract the gene the fastest way possible before we were stopped." Spoke Valper Galilei. 

"You killed all of those children without needing to." Asked the broken man.

"It didn't matter what happened to those brats but what came out of it was great, this is what came of it." Said Valper holding a blue Crystal.

"That gem, it's the same one Irina and I used at our baptism to become Excalibur wielders. Said a shocked Xenovia.

" Those hypocrites kicked me out and used my research for themselves!" Said Valper. 

"Well it doesn't matter oh and this you can have it we can mass produce much more pure gems." Valper tosses Kiba the gem. 

Kiba grabbed the gem and held it close to his chest as he began to cry for his fallen friends. "Why did I have to live? There were smaller children younger than me, kids who had bigger dreams why me" he mumbled cried. 

"It's ok" Spoke a disembodied voice.

"It's not your fault." Spoke another voice.

Around Kiba different light orbs began to appear and take shape. Multiple transparent children appeared around the blond boy. "Take us in" Said the voices. 

Kiba looked down as he felt a hand at his leg. Next to him stood the spirit of a young girl no older than four years old. "It's ok" she said as she hugged his leg and faded into his body. Around him the other spirits faded Into the gem that began to be observed by Kiba. 

With tears in his eyes Kiba stared at Freed, "this is not the end, I will take you down for my fallen family!" He spoke and extended his arm into the air. "SWORD BIRTH" he yelled as a new sword appeared. 

In Kibas hand a black and white sword appeared from thin air. Kiba had finally achieved his own balance breaker, combining two opposing forces. 

"That is ludicrous, holy and demonic swords are opposing forces, there is no way that sword could exist. . Unless yes it all makes sense." Spoke Valper.

 "GOD IS de…" Valper didn't finish his sentences as a dragon short tore a hole through his shoulder. 

Issei stood his hand out, managing to recover enough for a moment. Xenovia was shocked, Valper was about to say that God was dead, she was stunned for a moment and looked over at her friend who was unconscious, it seems Issei knocked her out right before Valper spoke. 

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