Chapter 12 - A new type of Dragon

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Issei was opening his eyes realizing he was not in his room, instead it looked like he was in a Victorian style bedroom. Around his body were glowing magic circles that seemed to connect to machinery. As he looked at his body, it sometimes seemed difficult to look more muscular. He began to move and the circles disappeared, losing him to the bed. He got up and looked in the mirror

Issei had grown a bit taller, his face became sharper and so did his eyes. His body had grown more muscle. His hair was a mess and he badly needed a haircut. Looking around the room he saw the girls all sleeping around the room in different places. Issei didn't want to disturb them so he stood up, got changed and walked out of the room. Tho before leaving he left the girls a note.

Issei was walking through the late night shops of town and he walked Into the barber shop. Issei's Hair had grown uncontrollably while in a coma. Issei needed a haircut. After getting his hair done he headed home, as he was arriving at his house he noticed his house lights were still on. He walked up to the door and knocked nosing his parents were most likely not going to recognize him. As his parents opened the door Issei  smiled, "Mom dad I'm back."

Issei's parents were left stunned. That couldn't be right, he looked different but he still looked like he could be their son, they had similar features to them after all. His brown hair like his mother, her hazel eyes, his dad's spiky look and sharp brows. Even if he looked nothing like the Issei they remembered they knew he was the same boy as before.

"So what have you been up to? Rias and Raynare said you were going on a training camp with the student council into the woods, but I didn't think  three weeks of being in the wilderness would change you so much." Spoke to his parents.

Issei sweat dropped, of course his masters would find an excuse for his odd disappearance. And after a bit of talking and some bull shifting from Issei everyone  headed to bed since Issei had to go back to school the next day.

In the morning Issei had a few messages from the girls asking where he was, or if he was OK. Issei smiled at his phone and just explained that he went out the night before to get cleaned up a bit since his hair was bothering him. That reassured the girls and they all said they would wait for him in front of the school.

Issei was walking through the town, now wearing his uniform which being a smaller size was fitting really snug, his pants were tight and he could fully bucket the top buttons of his shirt. Her blazer also didn't fit him anymore so he didn't put it on till he got a new one. But with his clothes and new appearance Issei was catching stares left and right. As he stepped into Kuoh Academy the girls couldn't look away. What seemed to be a new boy was walking into the school grounds

However as usual his two friends were being chased around this time by the swim club who had buckets running after the perverts trying to get back at them. But due to his luck Issei unfortunately wound up in the crossfire. "Ow, Matsuda, Motohama be more careful guys you almost killed me." Spoke Issei with a giggle.

"Huh Issei?" They both asked. But there was no sound, everyone froze, no sound was heard. Then a loud gasp of surprise covered the school.

 Then a loud gasp of surprise covered the school

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