Urbosa × daughter P.1

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Pov Your the daughter of Urbosa and sister of Lara. You don't have any power or any important skills. Everyone hate you. What will happen when you're finally tired?

You pov

Hi! I'm Yn, Urbosa daughter and Lara sister. Unlike my sister I have no power. For this, everyone hate me. They only know me as the useless child. My sister, otherwise, is loved by everyone in the face of this world. She has powers, ability. She is the beautiful child.

My life isn't really good. When I was a child everyone loved me too. Until they discovered that I have no powers. My mother hates me to. She stopped being my mother since I was 10 years old. Now I'm 16 and I growned up all alone.

A long time ago I had a friend, but she then goes away with my sister team. And now, I'm alone again.

Right now I'm with my mother and the other, they're going to Mipha. My mother didn't want to bring me too. But she had do to so. I'm sit here, alone, while ther are laughing and while my mother is hugging and kissing Lara.

I don't laugh or talk anymore. I just write in my book, that is like a diary for me. I have no powers so I spend most of the time discovering new things from Hyrule and training by my own. I stopped eating well for lime 1 year but nobody care, so do I.

We arrived in front of the castle and like always, Mipha tell us how many bed we have.

Mipha: Okay so you know there is just one bed who is broken

Urbosa: Don't worry, Yn will sleep in there, right Yn?

I look at her nodding.

Everyone goes over their bed while I try to stay comfy. A while later Mipha called them all and tell them to go together to the party. Like always I'm not invited.

Urbosa: Don't create any damage useless

I nod and then start reading again. They go, leaving me alone in my not so comfy bed.

*10 minutes later*

10 minutes are passed now and I'm a bit hungry. I pick an apple from my bag and eat half of it. Then I get up and went around. I see everyone having fun and when my mother turn over to me she look at me disgusted. I juts keep walking around, trying to hold back my tears.

The funny fact is that I don't even call her mom. From when I was 10 I start calling her Lady Urbosa of just matriarch Urbosa.

I keep walking until I decide to go to sleep.

I arrive in my bed but before I could lay down, someone picked me and trow me to the wall.

Urbosa: What were you doing outside mh?

She slap me twice.

You: I was only walking around Lady Urbosa

She look at me before kicking me in the stomach and then slap me again. I just stood there. Knowing that if I move or defend me, she will hurt me more.

After she has slapped me once again she left me in the wall. I slowly stand up groning in pain. I can't do it anymore. Why am I still alive? Why?!

I'm useless. I don't have a life anymore. Nobody cares for me. No one loves me.

I goes over my bag and pick my blade. I put it in my pants and then I leave the dorm.

I have no place to go apart from one: the Love Lake. I always go there when i' m sad or wen I feel lonely.

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