Urbosa's journey p.1

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Pov Ganon won and Zelda, for the sake of Hyrule put the four champions to a long sleep. Meanwhille you and the child of the now sleeping champions are dead thanks to the Ganon montsers. What will hapen when the four heroes are gonna wake up? After 100 long years?

You pov

I keep fighting against Thunderblight Ganon but he's too strong for me. I hit him with my sword but then he hits me too sendin me to the floor. I can't resist more long. My legs hurt, my arms hurt and my body is covered from my own blood. I think that me and Revali son are still stanfing but i don't know for how long. I mean i'm basically on the floor while i try to keep fight. I try to stand up before falling again to the floor. Thunderblight come to me with his sword up, ready to make the last move. I send the SOS before but no one helped me. My mother and the others are all occupied with Ganon while we, the four child of the champions are slowly falling. I'm really sad about it 'caue that means that the plan didin't work and that for this time, Ganon is gonna win.

I look at Thunderblight before hearing a huge pain in my neck. I fall to the ground feeling the blood coming out of my neck. So here I am. Daughter of Urbosa, dying with a sword on her neck, thanks to Ganon Monster. Is funny how a moment before i was hugging my mother and then the next is my death. Really funny. I don't know if they can still win without the guardian and the Beasts. And i don't think so.

Well, this are my last moment. I cloose my eyes and then, i exal the last breath.

You: I love you mama

Then the darkness.

*some time later*

I wake up. What? I'm i with the Goddess? I look around me before seeing my body layed on the floor with the sword in the neck. So...i'm a spirit. Well, it make sense. I mean, my spirit cant go with the Goddess without complete what is started. I think i could find the others too. Maybe around. I leave Naboris and go to the castle where i see Ganon still alive. We lost. I continue "flying" over the place before seeing Zelda and the four champions in the wood. They are alive. I go over them and see that Zelda is the only one alive while my mom and the others are something like asleep. The princess didn't notice me so i made my way to her. I put a hand on her shoulder and she turn to me, crying.

Zelda: Yn? Y-you're d-dead

You: Well, it's seems that Thunderblight had the best over me

She start sobbing.

Zelda: I'm sorry. Is all my fault

I kneel over her.

You: Zelda, it's not your fault. Don't feel guilty for our death

J: Yeah princess, we aren't dead because of you

I see Jack, son of Revali kneel in front of us. Then i see Jada, daugter of Mipha and then Michael, son of Daruk. They are all kneeled in front of me and the princess.

M: Princess, tell us, what happend with them?

He gestured to the bodies of our parents.

Zelda: They are alive but i put them to sleep for a very long time

Jada: And what will you do?

Zelda: I will return to the castle trying to hold Ganon as long as i can

You: But Zelda, we don't know for how much time they're gonna sleep

She nod while standing up wtih the rest of us.

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