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"Alright, Second Gym should be over... There"

Victor smiled successfully guiding his friends to the next Gym. Just like the Grass Gym, it stood tall and glowed with blue lights.

Victor presented the new place extending his arms, "Welcome to Hulbury, a quaint town for water-type Pokemon to be caught"

He said looking over the new area, (Y/n) sighed being glad they managed to make it in one piece. They encountered so many wild Pokemon in the last trail that her Scorbunny evolved into Raboot.

She glanced at the newly formed Pokemon as he stood beside her with his paws stuffed in his pockets, most likely filled to the brim with pebbles he seemed to pick up every now and then during their walk to Hulbruy. After evolving he refused to go back into his Pokeball, she didn't know why but decided to just let him be.


"Yeah, we're finally here Sco-er... Raboot"

(Y/n) chuckled nearly messing up his new name, he stared at her for a minute before walking off. A part of her misses the small jubilee rabbit, how he'd always try to show off any new random moves he saw some other Pokemon do, how he'd latch onto her at random moments, and the bright smile he'd make when he just saw her.

Now it was like he didn't want anything to do with her and barely listened. A hand landed on her shoulder lightly patting it, Hop warmly smiled noticing earlier how the pair had shifted after the evolution.

"Just give him some time, he'll bounce back"


He nodded lacing his fingers around hers, they paid a visit to the Poke Center healing up all their Pokemon. Well, some.

Raboot refused to get in his Pokeball as expected, so he was sprayed with a bunch of healing sprays instead.

"Alright, what's the plan?"


"You know, are we going now or are we going to gain a few levels?"

Victor questioned looking between the two, (Y/n) hummed thinking for a second before noticing something from the corner of her eye.

An old man rode by them on a bike connected to a cart full of fruits and berries, stopping right by the pier. The small Pokemon beside her seemed to also notice the man twitching his nose at the sweet scent that passed by.

A small smile inched on her face when she saw his eyes widen asking if he'd like some. Raboot huffed sticking his nose up and marching off to the old man, "I'm going to buy some berries, be back in a bit"

(Y/n) jogged over to the elder man greeting him, he smiled asking if the Raboot was her partner. She nodded making the man chuckle," 'Scuse my laughter, Lil critter reminded me of my partner when I was a trainer"

"You had a Raboot? I've yet to meet another person with the same Pokemon as me"

(Y/n) admitted quietly returning an awkward smile, he nodded rubbing the stubble growing on his chin.

"Yup she was a tantrum brat, but yours seems tamed ain't he?"

He eyed Raboot having already predicted the scoff from the Pokemon. He chuckled again adjusting the berries in their baskets, he went on about his undying hate towards his past partner but he wouldn't want any other.

"She must have been important to you if you managed to deal with that"

"Of course she was but it wasn't me having to deal with it, I learned how to understand her better. I knew she wasn't the same anymore and that's the truth in life, things change and we learn to adapt"

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